So I was in chat and idly wondered what family I'd use to show off the lot. The girls EXPLODED in demanding that all of our selfsims get used to show it off. In the end it didn't really matter who was on the lot when I was taking the actual shots, but I thought a little extra shoot was in order, as the girl's avatar's decided to go a little batshit. AND I LOVE IT! xD
Cat decided that the lot was Jolly Roger-ie good. Though this was after I suggested to her that bathing publically would be an excellent idea. She agreed. The REAL Cat, however, had a little bit of an objection to her getting naked in YET ANOTHER person's game... *whistles*
So she decided to take it out on all the townies, and pelted them all with water baloons. Which I guess isn't at all wasteful, I mean she IS surrounded by plantlife.
Tunie &
Jenji had a little swim in the pond, and then celebrated by having a pillowfight in their swimwear. THIS IS NOT AT ALL ~~ALLURING,~~ YOU GUYS!
Well actually its not really alluring at all when you're faced with this. THERESA WILL SCREW YOUR SHIT RIGHT UP!
Though Jenji seems to completely and utterly enjoy it that way.
Cat got confused about how to control the radio control car, whilst I played chess and this poorly dressed townie tried to slip Cat his hotdog.
Steffi was preoccupied with the coffee cups. WHO IS NOT SURPRISED?!
Jenji decided it was way too romantical a setting to not indulge in a moonlight bath.
And I got super excited about not catching anything at all.
Honestly, can I ever make any other expressions bar YAY I'M SO HAPPY!! Though I would probably be pleased about all the fireflies being a) so pretty and b) not suffocating and trapped in a jar.
Steffi still busied herself with the coffee machine. Hands up those who are still not surprised?
Theresa and Jenji continued their competitive shenanigans, Theresa believes in celebrating her awesome VICTOLEEEEEE in as few items of clothing as possible.
And then Cat and Steffi decided to trade places, and Steffi chose this moment to BREAK HER WRIST! O_O Its apparently okay though, she feels no pain. *stares at her face concernedly*