
Jan 07, 2007 16:13

Date: Sunday, January 7, 2001
Time: Early afternoon
Location: The Woods' cottage
Characters: June Connors, Oliver Wood, Wini Wood (NPC), Severus Snape
Rating: G - there's a child present! (Well, now that Snape's involved, I should probably push that to at least PG...)

Here comes Santa Claus... )

status: complete, event: holiday fluff, status: invitation only, character: oliver wood, character: juneau connors, character: severus snape, character: wini wood

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subtle_simmer January 26 2007, 17:18:24 UTC
Even considering he had virtually no experience with small children - some things were simply too easy. As he had hoped, and perhaps rather predictably, she assented to his offer and toddled into the house. Severus, without so much as a by-your-leave to Wood, followed her inside.

The detritus of Christmas was still visible - and Severus could not help but glance about the house with a critical eye. What did he care for Wood's distress over the recent Holiday past? Emotional distress was no excuse, in Severus' book, for disregard of general cleanliness and basic upkeep!

Of course, Severus did not have an active toddler to clean up after at all times, and no matter how clean the house was, in actuality, Severus would have found fault with it because of his opinion of the 'irresponsibility' of the owner.

It was work of some difficulty to navigate the way through the sitting room without stepping on this ball, those blocks, that teddy. He was pleased to note that the cauldron he had given her so long ago was still visible in the sitting room, presently with a stuffed rabbit apparently stewing within, quite forgotten in the midst of the newer objects.

Wood's perceived 'irresponsibility' now worked in his favour, however, and he cleared a space on the sofa (by moving what appeared to be a tea-party-in-progress, complete with wee teacups and a china-doll - all of which he carefully shifted aside so as not to disturb the 'tea') and sat down, setting the large box on the floor just in front of him so he could watch her open it.

"Yes, Winifred. Yours," he said, the slight smile still playing at the corners of his lips as he regarded her indulgently. "Open it."


mroliverwood January 26 2007, 17:34:48 UTC
She followed Snape easily, used to the mess of her toys that she kept about the living room at all time. She walked with little steps, teetering here and there at some points as she made her way closer to where the box was. She knelt down in front of it and looked up at Snape with a grin, clapping her hands.

"Mine!" she said again. She scooted closer and banged her hands on the box. "Mine!"

She knew that it was to be opened by tearing at the paper, but her hands were a bit clumsy with the paper and she didn't quite know where to tear it. She fiddled with one edge, unable to get her chubby fingers quite into the groove of the paper, and looked up at Snape with a pleading glance. "Mine peddent," she mumured, frowning back down at the box.


subtle_simmer January 26 2007, 17:55:45 UTC
In spite of himself, his smile widened at her earnest appeal. From the moment she had eagerly and curiously 'helped' him with the potion he was working on when he had found her neglected and alone on Hogwarts grounds, he had been enchanted by her.

It was a shame about her unfortunate parentage, but then he knew as well as anyone that one could not alter such things.

On the other hand, the only other small child with whom he had ever interacted to any extent was Draco Malfoy. Children, by that limited experience, were always 'charming' when being catered to and given presents.

"Your present," he repeated again, though this time he recoginsed the difficulty. Pulling off the ridiculously frilly, obnoxiously purple bow, he was about to cast it aside when he recalled watching the 'girls' at Spinner's End on Christmas morning. Apparently it was accepted - and almost expected - to place such things in one's hair until the adhesive charm wore off. With a rare burst of almost-playfulness he solemnly pressed the bow into her golden curls.

Though he did dart an embarrassed glance toward the still-open door, as though afraid to be 'caught' at such frivolity.

The bow dealt with, he slipped a finger beneath the cellotape and lifted a large section of the wrapping to give her purchase to tear the rest.

"There you go, can you do the rest?"


mroliverwood January 27 2007, 03:30:08 UTC
Wini burst into giggles when he put the bow on her hair, graabbing at it and yanking at it slightly, pulling it off and pushing it onto the chest of his robes. "Der," she told him, giggling again. She squatted back down to the edge of the parcel and, with Snape's help, dug her fingers into the paper and began tearing it it. It was easier the longer she worked at it, and she was able to remove most of the paper herself. She stared at the box with it's pictures and pointed it it, her blue eyes squinting as she concentrated.



subtle_simmer January 27 2007, 19:47:17 UTC
Severus chuckled indulgently when she stuck the bow to his chest. He then proceeded to ignore it for the present, wearing it with the same dignity as he wore the Slytherin Pin from Ginevra, which was presently covered with said purple confetti.

Having become somewhat accustomed to the new delight of watching people he cared about open gifts he had given them during Christmas morning at Spinner's End, his smile did not fade as the child tore through the wrapping. When she could finally see the pictures on the box, he was very pleased to see how quickly she realised what it was.

"Exactly! Your very own potions. Here... I will help you."

Allowing her chubby little hands to excitedly tug and pull at the box, and laughing occasionally when she pushed his hands away, wanting to do it 'all by myself', and then helping her again when frustration threatened to ruin enjoyment, they soon had all the pieces and bits and little pots of ingredients all laid out on the coffee-table. They were all brightly coloured - and colour-coded, so that the shades of pink belonged to one 'potion' recipe, while shades of blue belonged to another and so on.

Severus was completely pleased with himself for finding something so broadly educational, age-appropriate, and which would feed whatever natural interest in potions might possibly exist.

"It makes sweets, Winifred, see?" he said, opening the child-friendly cardboard 'recipe' book and showing her how to prop it up to look at.

"If we do this one, we can make a lolly, see the picture? Or this one makes juice - you like juice, yes? And this one makes... hmmm... you might be a little too young for taffy, we had best wait until your father can be consulted for that one. Shall we make a lolly before I leave?"

He really wasn't planning to stay long - just long enough to get her completely enamoured with his 'gift' - but if Wood wasn't yet kicking him out of his house... well, he'd stay and see for himself if it worked in practise as well as it advertised on the package.


mroliverwood January 30 2007, 17:06:41 UTC
Winifred giggled happily and grabbed some of the chunkier items and held them at Snape's nose for his better viewing pleasure. "Pot'n," she said, grabbing her hands at a bottle of the blue and a bottle of the yellow. "Mine, and mine," she told him before trying to open them.

"Lol, mine," she said. She pushed over another bottle in her excitement to try and grab the instructions and sticking her nose too closely into it. "Readin', mine." She giggled before tossing the instructions on the other side of the table. "Help, please," she said in her babyish voice, pointing at the instructions and the items. "Do mine," she lifted up the stirring stick. "Me do."


subtle_simmer January 30 2007, 19:03:38 UTC
Her exuberance was quite amusing to watch, even if it was a little alarming - he'd had to pull his head back suddenly to be avoid being clocked in the nose with the instruction book.

"Of course I will help you. First, you have to set up your cauldron so it won't spill, like this. Caul-dron," he repeated the word, enunciating it slowly and deliberately as he set it flat on the table and scooted the other items a safe distance away. The cauldron would not get hot, but it would warm, and the point of this gift was to stimulate her interest in the subject. It was never too early to learn basic potions safety.

"Now. The lolly needs the pink ingredients, see? Like it shows on the page. Help me find all the pink things."

With a little nudging if she faltered, he helped her settle several little pink pots, a very skinny pink stirring-rod which would become the stick of the lolly, and three color-coded measuring cups next to the cauldron. He then showed her the case for storing and keeping her 'kit' neatly together. Upon looking about the sitting-room, this was a necessary object, lest the pieces be lost and scattered, making the toy useless.

"Before we start, we must put the things we're not using away."

At seeing her look of displeasure at the idea of tidying up, he admonished her with gentle earnestness.

"It's very important, Winifred, when you are making potions. You have to keep your work-space clean and neat so nothing gets burnt up."

So he helped her sort all the yellow pieces into the yellow cloth bag with the over-sized zipper. All the blue, green, red, orange, and violet soon followed, likewise. Each colour-coded bag fit very neatly into a multi-coloured plastic storage case designed to look like a Potions Masters valise.

Severus was newly smug at his choice of gift, and newly impressed with the cleverness of the invention. If the Weasley twins could come up with things like this, he would fell less hesitant to work with them on other projects.

"There. Now we can make your lolly."

Showing her how each measuring spoon matched the precise colour of the lid of the jar containing the ingredient it was designed to measure. Sliding over on the sofa so he was directly behind her, he opened the lids for her and helped guide little hands to hold the measuring cup over the cauldron before carefully pouring the ingredient into the measuring device, and then letting her pour the contents into the cauldron.

"Well done, Winifred," he said warmly when all the ingredients were in the little pot. It was still quite cool to touch, but would begin to heat when she began to stir. He handed her the stirring rod and cupped his hand over hers as he had done once in his lab, to help her get the feel of the rhythm of stirring.

"Slow and gentle, now," he said softly. "If we stir too fast, it won't work. See? We make circles in the potion."

They stirred gentle circles in the concoction, the cauldron slowly warming and the ingredients within making colourful spiral shapes of various shades of pink. When they were done, the lolly would look like a pin-wheel.

The chemical reaction began from the barely-warm-cauldron and the magic of cauldron and stirring rod. The liquid rapidly reduced and became thick and heavy.

"Now, Winifred - put the stirring rod in the very middle, and watch...."

This, too, he helped her do, because he was afraid she'd be over-eager and remove the rod too quickly.

"Now we wait for ten seconds - can you count to ten? One... two... three..."

He counted slowly with her, then released his hand from hers when they reached the magic number.

"There, Winifred - take out the stick - and your lolly will be on the end of it," he said with pleased anticipation.

The sweet would be much larger than the normal 'lolly', perhaps a full six centimetres in diameter, and was a swirl of many shades of pink. It already smelt cloyingly sweet, an excess of fruity-fragrance of the sort which children generally enjoyed.


mroliverwood February 1 2007, 13:02:24 UTC
Wini watched him and did her best to do as much as she possibly could. Snape was a good teacher, and gentle even if he was firm with the way that he directed her. She did her best to garble out the names of the colours she knew, mixing up blue with yellow and green with red, but her vocabulary had certainly improved since Snape had last been with her.

The smell of the potion had made her more excited and she proclaimed, "izbee!" a few times, reminded of her favorite treat 'fizzing whizbees.' She grabbed at the stick eagerly when Snape told her that she could and her mouth latched onto one end of it, her free hand gripping at his leg and she awkwardly climbed up and sat herself down in his lap.

"Mine wolly," she told Snape, though she did offer him the chance to take a quick lick if he so desired.


subtle_simmer February 1 2007, 15:54:34 UTC
Severus was, obviously, quite fond of this infant, for whatever reason. It had happened quite by accident, honestly, but happened it had, so there you are.

Said fondness, however, did NOT extend to wishing to 'share' toddler-saliva, no matter how sweetly the 'offer' was made!

He did a tolerable job of concealing his grimace of disgust though, and the sweet, being quite large, was enough to conceal the truth as he pantomimed 'tasting' the treat.

"Mmmm, very tasty - well done, Winifred. You made your first potion."

Of course, nothing which ever came out of his cauldrons bore any resemblance to sweets, but the point of this exercise was to interest her in the art. She had many years to slowly learn the true beauty of the intricacies of potions.

He settled her on his lap for a few minutes while she rapturously became a sticky, gooey mess - the lollipop's being far too big to fit entirely into her mouth did not prevent her making repeated efforts at doing so, which meant in very short order her entire face was covered in sticky, pink toddler-spit.

Which naturally meant that this was a perfect time for Severus to leave and allow June her pleasant visit with the Woods' without his presence. Whatever they could have been discussing outside the door all this time was beyond him, but he didn't mind. The quarter of an hour or so had been well-spent.

Glancing toward the door as if now afraid of being 'caught', he squeezed his arms slightly around the child where she sat on his lap. NOT a HUG, of course! Surely not! He then gently deposited her on her feet.

"I must go home now, Winifred. Your 'Da' will help you make another potion later, I'm sure."

If she begged him as persistently as she seemed to do everything else! The kit was so simple, not even Longbottom could screw up the directions, so he had no fear that there would be many more sweets-making episodes now.

"I will see you at Hogwarts now and then, I'm sure. Do you remember my name? Snape."

'Severus' was much too hard for a child to pronounce, and as he wasn't (yet) her 'Professor', he wouldn't expect her to be able to say that yet, either.


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