The Pack Joins the Search

Nov 12, 2006 08:37

Date: Sunday, 12 November
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Place: Residence of Oliver Wood
Characters Involved: Any of Spinner's End 'pack' who wish to be, Oliver Wood, Nymphadora Tonks, anyone else at the Wood's house involved in the search, OPEN
Rating: Probably R for language and tension

'Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing is more difficult than to understand him.' ~Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821 - 1881) )

status: complete, character: oliver wood, character: juneau connors, character: severus snape, location: hogsmeade, character: remus lupin, location: spinners end, group: werewolves, group: aurors, status: open, character: nymphadora tonks, character: ginny weasley, character: wini wood

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9-ish, Severus and Ginevra return to the house subtle_simmer November 15 2006, 04:40:30 UTC
Severus saw a small cloud of people mount brooms and fly off as he exited the command tent, and presumed Wood was among them. He was somewhat concerned at not having found Remus, but the man did not need a bloody minder. Severus set the trays he had prepared for Remus and Derrick out on the tables with all the rest of the food. If they weren't smart enough to understand and address the needs of their own metabolism after all his directions and warnings... well, he'd give them a sound verbal evisceration, later. They would pay for the mistake regardless of his actions, anyway, when the potion wore off.

"June has agreed not to take the Endurance potion I provided for Remus and Derrick," Severus said conversationally to Ginevra as they made their way back to the house. "I don't know how it will alter her metabolism or affect rate of healing, so it seemed the safest route to go. She's exhausted, of course."

Severus didn't bother to knock. He was fairly certain June was the only person left in the house, and he didn't want to wake her if he could help it. It was impossible for him to be aware of the softening of his expression as he saw her comfortably curled up, asleep on the lounge.


Re: 9-ish, Severus and Ginevra return to the house fire_n_freckles November 15 2006, 05:30:16 UTC
Ginny followed him inside, not the least bit saddened or shocked by Severus's refusal; her realistic side knew the answer before it left her head. He was right, of course. To find answers he'd need to seem as 'evil' as he could. Or at least indifferent. And she really should stay there in case June needed her immediately.

She nodded and made a note of what Severus had said and the concern he raised. She knew somewhere back in her room there was a text from school that might answer a few questions, but most of what she would read could only be speculation with a Werewolf.

The look on his face when they entered and found June as both alarming and sweet; rarely did Severus show emotion. Even more rarely was the emotion something other than anger or annoyance. The woman was clearly exhausted and in pain, and how anyone could hate her for that, Ginny couldn't understand. Poor June...

"So you want me to just stay with her until she's awake? And sort of be her personal assistant?" Not a glorious job, but at least it was something. And Ginny did care for June. "I don't want to disturb her just yet, unless you think I should."


Re: 9-ish, Severus and Ginevra return to the house subtle_simmer November 15 2006, 06:26:44 UTC
"Gods. She would hang me by my entrails if she thought I was asking you to be her 'personal assistant'," Severus said with a mock shudder. "She was very concerned about Wood and the child, and wanted to be here, in spite of all my arguments to the contrary."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair - which had the happy side-effect of straightening it out a bit from his scuffle with Wood, though he winced slightly as his fingers brushed the knot on the back of his head.

"I think June would want you to do whatever was needed to be most useful. Unfortunately in a situation such as this, I doubt anyone truly knows what that might be. If they find Winifred and she is injured, your Healing skills might be top priority. On the other hand, if the Woods expect June to be able to function as a liaison with whatever information comes in here... well... you can see for yourself.

"I know it's selfish, especially in light of the situation, but we've come this far with her reconstruction. I don't want it set-back by anything, if we can avoid it. When she's had some sleep, she'll be all right, and in the mean time, if she was pushing herself to be functional, there's really nothing to do!"

The last was said with a growl of frustration. Even his trip to Knockturn was merely so he could feel 'useful'.

A two-year-old child had walked out of her house in the wee hours of the night on a full-moon night in Scotland, in November. She'd likely to have succumbed to hypothermia in less than an hour - at most.

Severus was not accustomed to clinging to false-hope. He wasn't accustomed to believing in 'hope' much, at all. Crossing the room to the small pile of toys in the corner, he picked up the cauldron he had given Winifred during their one significant interaction, peering through the translucent fuchsia material with as much intensity as Trelawny gazed into her crystal balls.

'Mine! Mine pot'n!' Her vibrant, lively visage danced in his memory. It pleased him to no end that the cauldron was clearly amongst her favourite toys.

Replacing the cauldron in precisely the same spot, he shrugged. Unaccustomed as he was to hope in any form, he simply couldn't bear to abandon it completely, now.

"By noon you could try to wake her, see if she can eat anything... All the potions you will need for the treatment are there with the meal-tray. I don't know if I'll be back in time to assist, or not. In the mean time, I don't think you need to stay with her - but it would ease my mind if you would check in on her now and then."


Re: 9-ish, Severus and Ginevra return to the house fire_n_freckles November 16 2006, 16:34:16 UTC
"Basically I'm a floater, aren't I? I'll do whatever is asked of me, and you don't have to worry. I'll make sure no one disturbs June..." The young woman, not even a true Healer yet, began to feel defeated. Ginny felt sorry for herself and her inability to be useful. She'd been sentenced to standing around, waiting for direction, wandering the house in an effort to make everyone feel just a bit more comfortable. Tears nearly gathered behind her eyes, but she managed to choke them back due to present company.

It was hard to believe that something this terrible could happen to a child. Children were supposed to remain safe, and this event shook Ginny's faith in her well being.

"I'm sorry, Severus, I'm a bit emotional... I'll make sure June is safe, and we'll begin the next phase if we can. I have to, Severus Snape promised, and someone told me he rarely promises things." She smiled a bit up at home and knew he probably wanted to be on his way. He rarely did the emotion thing, and his talents could be of better use then a bedside assistant. "You'll be safe, right? I mean, I know you are cautious, but if something this terrible can happen to Wini, well.. No one is truly safe, are they?"


Re: 9-ish, Severus and Ginevra return to the house subtle_simmer November 18 2006, 04:45:35 UTC
It is no surprise that Severus was uncomfortable around displays of emotion. Having done his best to stamp out most of his own, or disguise as anger that which he could not eliminate, he simply didn't know how to respond to such things. Had she been someone he extremely disliked, he might have said something cutting just to get it to stop... but this was Ginevra.

Still, he shifted his shoulders uncomfortably, as though his robes suddenly itched.

"It is normal to be distraught in situations such as this," he said, hoping he sounded sympathetic rather than dismayed.

"Considering your relationship with Mr Wood," (The slight grimace of distaste would not be wholly hidden, here.) "it is only natural that you might be more concerned over the child than most people. I would not add concern for June to your already plentiful burdens if I had another option."

He smirked softly and awkwardly patted her shoulder in a poor imitation of the comfort-gestures he had seen Remus offer to others in distress.

"You are quite correct - my reputation is in your hands," he teased gently. "I will be fine, Ginevra, but I thank you for your concern. It might interest you to know that I think I caught a glimpse of the Boy Hero arriving whilst I was at the tent." Again the crinkle of his nose. "I have to return there, myself, to inform the searchers of my intent."


Re: 9-ish, Severus and Ginevra return to the house fire_n_freckles November 18 2006, 05:27:03 UTC
Considering her relationship... What? Oh, he doesn't know, she reminded herself. This stupid sham. She was stuck pretending she was distraught because she was in a relationship with this man. Well, at least she was earnestly distraught; she had that much going for her.

"Ah, right, my relationship. Perhaps we should chat about that some other time." Not that he'd be terribly interested in the affairs of his past students and colleagues, but at least he could respect her a little more if she wasn't really seeing him. Ginny knew the two didn't get on well.

"I'm sure you're unnerved by my... verbal affection. I'm just a little paranoid; if this can happen to sweet, little, innocent Wini, then a man with your cri- well... You have your fair share of bad karma built up."

The mention of Harry made Ginny stand just a bit taller and a tad more proper. She hadn't seen him in ages, and she had no intention of letting him see her like this. She'd make certain to stay inconspicuous for the day to avoid him; there wasn't enough time for her nerves to be worked up over Wini and him as well.

The only acknowledgment she made of his announcement was a simple, "Thank you, Severus. Good luck on your trip this afternoon."


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