The Pack Joins the Search

Nov 12, 2006 08:37

Date: Sunday, 12 November
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Place: Residence of Oliver Wood
Characters Involved: Any of Spinner's End 'pack' who wish to be, Oliver Wood, Nymphadora Tonks, anyone else at the Wood's house involved in the search, OPEN
Rating: Probably R for language and tension

Against his better judgment, and adding to his already surprisingly intense worry, Severus had provided Remus and the pack with the same sorts of potions he had once provided to Greyback's pack, during the war. Tailored specifically to the metabolism of werewolves, and designed to counter-act the severe exhaustion and fatigue occurring post-transformation, it would enable them to be functional... mostly... for up to six hours.

When the crash came, however, it would be hard. Remus would be lucky to make it to afternoon classes tomorrow - morning classes were almost assuredly out. Severus flat-out refused to provide more than one dose of the potion, each.

June, he had quite literally begged not to take the potion if it could be avoided. Severus would help her get to Wood's house, but there would certainly be things she could do - even if it was just to be a liaison for the rest of them and a supportive assistance to the 'base camp'. He did not say it, but blind, even with werewolf senses, she would not be of much assistance in the actual search, and even in the midst of his concern for the missing child, Severus hoped not to delay June's reconstruction. If she used the endurance potion, it would alter her metabolism too much - including her ability to heal properly - for it to be safe for Ginevra to do the work today.

While Remus and June got ready to come to the house, Severus had dashed into his lab to stock his pockets with various potions and then took time to deliver the breakfast trays to those staying home. Those coming, he shrunk the trays, sealed them from spillage, and stuffed them in his pockets, too. Raiding the pantry and the larder, he filled a satchel with an assortment of relative 'finger foods', breads, biscuits, crisps, meats and cheeses for sandwiches. Presumably there would be an enormous crowd of people and depending on how long the search required, sustenance would be needed.

"We will meet you at the house," he told Remus as they passed each other in the hall, each rushing about to tend to various duties. "June will side-along with me."

He wasn't about to let Remus risk them both - even with the use of the endurance potion, his body and magic were still weaker than they would be if he'd had proper rest. Trying to side-along in that condition would risk splinching for sure.

Severus, himself, had consumed a Strengthening Solution. He wasn't nearly in the state of exhaustion as his lycanthropic housemates, but he had been up most of the night, and what sleep he'd had was stolen in an armchair - not the peak of restful. Still, he was more in form than the others, with the familiar surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, even as dread curled icy fingers around his chest.

"C'mon, June," he said gently, stopping at her room where he had left her to dress and get ready a short while before. "Are you ready? I will take you to the house and see that you're settled."

Reluctantly, he handed her the vial of the werewolf-endurance potion as he had promised.

"Do not use this unless it is absolutely necessary," he reiterated. "I've left word for Ginevra to find you at Wood's house instead of here - though I presume she will already be there when we arrive."

Severus sincerely hoped Ginevra would still manage to find time to perform the next phase of June's reconstructive work today - but there were too many variables for him to guess if that would be possible.

"C'mon, June," he said again, more gently, as he stepped closer and grasped her elbow to help her to her feet. "Can you stand long enough for me to Apparate us to Wood's?"

He was perfectly prepared to carry her if necessary! Time was of the essence and he didn't want her to use the stupid potion for something so senseless as pride, dignity be damned.

status: complete, character: oliver wood, character: juneau connors, character: severus snape, location: hogsmeade, character: remus lupin, location: spinners end, group: werewolves, group: aurors, status: open, character: nymphadora tonks, character: ginny weasley, character: wini wood

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