The Pack Joins the Search

Nov 12, 2006 08:37

Date: Sunday, 12 November
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Place: Residence of Oliver Wood
Characters Involved: Any of Spinner's End 'pack' who wish to be, Oliver Wood, Nymphadora Tonks, anyone else at the Wood's house involved in the search, OPEN
Rating: Probably R for language and tension

'Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing is more difficult than to understand him.' ~Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821 - 1881) )

status: complete, character: oliver wood, character: juneau connors, character: severus snape, location: hogsmeade, character: remus lupin, location: spinners end, group: werewolves, group: aurors, status: open, character: nymphadora tonks, character: ginny weasley, character: wini wood

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Comments 30

sightlesswolf November 13 2006, 05:37:59 UTC
All the time it had taken Severus to gather his potions, put together the food, and deliver the trays, it had taken June to drag herself out of her nightclothes and into the first shirt and pair of denims that came to hand. She'd been sunk deep in sleep when Severus had come to tell her what had happened. Though one might think the news would have been enough to shock all the weariness out of her, it simply wasn't working.

Wini... gods...

Merlin knew she was trying. She felt furious and betrayed at her body's lack of cooperation - or she would, if all her energy and concentration wasn't going into simply staying conscious. Just the exertion of crawling out of bed and getting dressed had her head spinning. But she knew that if she lay down again, she'd lose the fight, so she sat on the edge of the bed to wait for Severus, wrapping her arm around the post and resting her forehead on the cool wood. If she fell asleep, he might leave her behind. With the best of intentions, of course; she should be still sleeping now, letting her ( ... )


subtle_simmer November 13 2006, 06:53:49 UTC
Helplessness was not something human-nature dealt with easily. No one understood this miserable fact better than Severus Snape, who had time and time again gotten himself into wretched messes in which he was helpless, once he had made the initial choice to get there to begin with. Joining the Death Eaters. Returning to Albus. Narcissa's blasted Unbreakable Vow.

The night on the tower.

Dealing often with helpless situations did not make them easier to endure - merely more familiar.

The only surcease of his own helplessness was to somehow make himself useful to others.

Not out of 'goodness' - out of selfishnessAllowing her leverage enough to get to her feet, he looped his arm firmly about her waist as he had once done for Remus when the fool man had passed out in the sitting room, unable to make it back up the stairs after a transformation. In this way, he could be certain she would not stumble in her fatigue, and he got them out of the house, beyond the wards, and Apparated to Hogsmeade ( ... )


mroliverwood November 13 2006, 11:02:35 UTC
Homer Wood, Oliver's father, opened the door of the cottage. He had the same gruff expression as Oliver, and he peered over Snape and June critically. "Yes?" he said. "If you're here to join the search party, they're all out at the tent," he said ( ... )


sightlesswolf November 13 2006, 16:10:22 UTC
As she felt the change beneath her feet that told her they were on the path to the cottage door, June gripped Severus's sleeve. "Don't..." It emerged sounding more like a plea than anything. "Please... don't say anything to him. At least not until Wini's found." She knew how little he thought of Oliver, remembered the harshness of their exchange on the previous occasion of Wini's disappearance. She could well imagine what he thought of the young man's parenting now. And if they were going to snap at each other, there wasn't much she could do about it. But Wood had to be going out of his mind right now. The last thing in the world he needed was accusations of negligence.

There was no time to say anything else, as they got to the door then. She cringed inwardly; this was hardly how she ever wanted Wood seeing her, let alone a bunch of strangers.

Let alone his parents.

Forget it. Think about Wini."Fine," she replied, trying to inject her voice with as much strength as she could. Okay, so it was obviously a lie, but that wasn' ( ... )


9-ish, Severus and Ginevra return to the house subtle_simmer November 15 2006, 04:40:30 UTC
Severus saw a small cloud of people mount brooms and fly off as he exited the command tent, and presumed Wood was among them. He was somewhat concerned at not having found Remus, but the man did not need a bloody minder. Severus set the trays he had prepared for Remus and Derrick out on the tables with all the rest of the food. If they weren't smart enough to understand and address the needs of their own metabolism after all his directions and warnings... well, he'd give them a sound verbal evisceration, later. They would pay for the mistake regardless of his actions, anyway, when the potion wore off ( ... )


Re: 9-ish, Severus and Ginevra return to the house fire_n_freckles November 15 2006, 05:30:16 UTC
Ginny followed him inside, not the least bit saddened or shocked by Severus's refusal; her realistic side knew the answer before it left her head. He was right, of course. To find answers he'd need to seem as 'evil' as he could. Or at least indifferent. And she really should stay there in case June needed her immediately ( ... )


Re: 9-ish, Severus and Ginevra return to the house subtle_simmer November 15 2006, 06:26:44 UTC
"Gods. She would hang me by my entrails if she thought I was asking you to be her 'personal assistant'," Severus said with a mock shudder. "She was very concerned about Wood and the child, and wanted to be here, in spite of all my arguments to the contrary."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair - which had the happy side-effect of straightening it out a bit from his scuffle with Wood, though he winced slightly as his fingers brushed the knot on the back of his head.

"I think June would want you to do whatever was needed to be most useful. Unfortunately in a situation such as this, I doubt anyone truly knows what that might be. If they find Winifred and she is injured, your Healing skills might be top priority. On the other hand, if the Woods expect June to be able to function as a liaison with whatever information comes in here... well... you can see for yourself.

"I know it's selfish, especially in light of the situation, but we've come this far with her reconstruction. I don't want it set-back by anything, if we can ( ... )


Re: 9-ish, Severus and Ginevra return to the house fire_n_freckles November 16 2006, 16:34:16 UTC
"Basically I'm a floater, aren't I? I'll do whatever is asked of me, and you don't have to worry. I'll make sure no one disturbs June..." The young woman, not even a true Healer yet, began to feel defeated. Ginny felt sorry for herself and her inability to be useful. She'd been sentenced to standing around, waiting for direction, wandering the house in an effort to make everyone feel just a bit more comfortable. Tears nearly gathered behind her eyes, but she managed to choke them back due to present company ( ... )


Noonish, Waking June Up fire_n_freckles November 28 2006, 00:06:51 UTC
That morning, Ginny experienced sheer terror and what it was like to be completely, utterly useless. Frustration reigned her mind, boredom twiddled her thumbs, and concern kept Ginny waking June from her rest. She knew Severus would appreciate that last bit; it was obvious he cared for the young woman deeply and felt the need to protect her in some sense. It was sweet, and Ginny appreciated the softer side of her friend.

When a clock in another struck twelve, Ginny did as instructed and approached the sleeping woman before her. Gently, she tapped and whispered, "June? Wake up, June." Ginny cleared her throat then made another attempt to wake the other woman. Spoken a bit louder, this attempt was very similar to the first. "June, wake up!"


Re: Noonish, Waking June Up sightlesswolf November 28 2006, 17:44:58 UTC
June was spared the anguish that Ginny went through that morning, for the simple fact that she slept right through it. For all she'd promised herself she'd stay awake, for all she'd been sure that even if she did doze off, the sound of anyone entering the room would be enough to wake her so she could help, her body had had other ideas. The exhaustion of the unusually long transformation, coupled with the strain of getting herself up, getting dressed, and getting over here, had dragged her into a sleep so deep that most likely a dragon could have come crashing through the roof and she never would have noticed ( ... )


Re: Noonish, Waking June Up fire_n_freckles December 9 2006, 03:28:42 UTC
At last, Ginny finally viewed some sign of life from the other woman. It had been difficult (nearly worse than waking up Ron), but a small bit of success was achieved. Now June was asking questions, all valid.

"Yes, it's Ginny," she began. "You're at Oliver's house... Remember, Wini's missing? Severus told me to let you sleep for a while, but um... He thinks that you should try and wake up, so that we can try and... Well, he wants me to work on you."

Her phrasing made the project seem less clinical and more superficial, like June needed help learning manners or refining an accent or something. Ginny had trouble with tact and sensitivity with these issues. With Severus, one could be as blunt as he or she liked, but the others... Well, she needed to test those waters a bit still.

"Can I get you anything? Would you like some water?"


Re: Noonish, Waking June Up sightlesswolf January 7 2007, 08:23:28 UTC
"Wini..." June breathed, the memories of that morning catching up with her all at once. She bit her lip. 'Wini is missing', Ginny had said. Did that mean... "So she hasn't been found? Has there been any word? Any sign?"

Her stomach chose that extraordinarly inappropriate moment to give an audible growl. Under the circumstances, she thought she ought not to have any appetite at all, but the fact of the matter was that her stomach was wrapping itself around her backbone and complaining bitterly over its empty state. She reddened, feeling irrationally as if she were at fault for being hungry. "I... should eat something," she said reluctantly. "Especially if we're going to try and do anything... you know, medical. Severus left a tray, didn't he?" She knew full well he had; she clearly remembered the embarrassment of those few minutes. "He said my potions were there as well... Is it still here?"


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