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Second Guest Room broken_harry July 30 2006, 07:01:42 UTC

... )


21.00 freakedwithjet August 1 2006, 01:26:47 UTC
Pansy peered round the door of the next room on this landing. It was dark and appeared to be unoccupied. A guest bedroom, maybe.

She turned to Perry. "This one looks good."

Quickly she pushed the door open fully, and pulled Perry through, closing and charming the door shut after them. Relinquishing her grip on his hand, she moved across the room to light the fire in the place, so that it cast a flickering glow over the chamber then turned and looked at Perry. Now they were here, suddenly it seemed more difficult than she had imagined. She couldn't just go over to him and kiss him, like she wanted to. Pansy wanted her hands in his hair again, and his hands on her.

Slowly she walked back over to him, and looked up at him from under her eyelashes. But her hands stayed by her sides. Once again, it was for Perry to make the first move.


Re: 21.00 inner_human August 1 2006, 12:31:26 UTC
Well, Pansy took care of the door and the lights, so Perry took care of the soundproofing. Thank goodness for silencing charms; he didn't want them to attract unwanted attention with too much noise.

He looked over and Pansy was approaching him looking positively bashful, which was interesting considering this was her idea. Here was one of those awkward moments that called for a smooth transition, only Perry couldn't think of one. He was certainly into the idea a moment ago, but now the sight of Pansy looking so serious and vulnerable cooled him down a bit. There were a number of consequences that one just didn't consider when seized by passion, and Perry had more concerns than the average man.

If they did this, there was no going back.

It'd be lying to say he wasn't nervous, because the sex itself wasn't that big a deal, but it was the before and after that had his muscles tense. He wondered if he was pushing her into this, if she wanted it as much as he did, and if she did if perhaps she expected more commitment than he was ( ... )


21.00 freakedwithjet August 1 2006, 14:33:56 UTC
This whole situation felt so unreal, Pansy was sure it was a set-up. Someone was going to jump out from behind the curtains and yell, "Gotcha!" and then Pansy would be mortally embarrassed. And then they (whoever they were) would die. Painfully.

Or if it wasn't a prank, then Perry was going to come to his senses and turn his tail and run. That seemed more likely and even more terrifying, and if she looked shy or nervous then that was why. So when she heard Perry mutter a silencing charms a rush of adrenalin that was half nerves and half elation brought a flush to her cheeks.

Then his hands were threaded into her hair and she could feel his breath ghosting across her lips. Her eyes drifted shut but when the expected kiss didn't come she opened them again. He was so close it was almost impossible that he wasn't quite close enough. When he spoke she could feel the vibrations, and his lips brushed against hers, and she shivered.

Cold feet? He thought she was going to back out ( ... )


21.00 inner_human August 1 2006, 23:12:08 UTC
Perry's grin broadened even as her lips met his. This was the response he needed, the authorization to take this as far as it could go, and he quickly found his previous interest. Now he could act uninhibited, though his body was torn between taking this slow, because it had been so long, and giving in to wild frenzy because it had been so fucking long. Without pulling away he shrugged off his dress robes and carelessly flung them away with an arm. His next inclination was to unbutton his shirt because he was starting to feel hot around the chest and collar, but that could come later ( ... )


Re: 21.00 freakedwithjet August 1 2006, 23:42:46 UTC
Pansy frowned as her hands were pushed away from Perry's hair, but she stifled a laugh as Perry struggled with her cardigan.

"What is it with men and not being able to work buttons?" she retorted with a smile and flapped his hands away with her own before undoing them herself and shrugging off her cardigan.

She pushed herself up on her tiptoes, silently cursing her height and wishing she was taller, but pressing her lips to Perry's again all the same. Pansy had forgotten kisses could be like this, deep and drugging and desperate. Her hands moved up to Perry's shirt collar and she pulled apart the top few buttons in a just a couple of seconds, not breaking the kiss or glancing down. Her fingers played over Perry's collar bones, and she pulled away from him to press her lips to the pulse point at the base of his throat. Her fingers moved down to open the next few buttons, exposing the top half of his chest and then looked up at him, grinning.

"See, inept. That's what you are."


21.00 inner_human August 2 2006, 00:39:40 UTC
Perry would have appreciated a taller Pansy as well, because he'd been craning his neck down to be able to reach her. The kiss was absorbing and powerful and he didn't even notice when she undid the first few buttons. What was going on above that point was much better, and when Pansy began to pull away Perry protested by momentarily seizing her bottom lip in his teeth.

And then he looked down and realized his shirt was half-open.

Inept?! For a moment he looked slightly offended by that. But the annoyance didn't last long; especially since he'd noticed something more interesting than Pansy's cheek. He was on the verge of asking, but felt a bit of urgency to get to the point of this with the knowledge that there was a party still going outside. And he and Pansy had a curfew.

He curled his fingers into her hair and placed his lips over hers. "We'll see who's inept at what in a moment." His kisses were growing in intensity, more confident and even feral. It was amazing how quickly the heat built, and the wilder part of Perry ( ... )


Re: 21.00 freakedwithjet August 2 2006, 01:03:53 UTC
For all her accusations of ineptitude, Perry seemed to be undressing her with astonishing speed. Pressed against him, his hands at her breast and his lips at her throat causing her to groan deep in her throat, the fact that he was still fully clothed from the ribs down was becoming annoying. She wanted to feel his skin hot against hers, with no barriers in the way. There had been barriers for too long.

Her hands scrabbled at the rest of the buttons of his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders even as he bit into her neck and shoulder and her eyes fell shut. And then the muttered words, The bed, and Pansy could feel against her stomach the proof that Perry really wanted to be there every bit as much as she did ( ... )


21.00 inner_human August 2 2006, 02:07:46 UTC
In that moment that they were separated Perry was in a frenzy to get as unclothed as he could by the time he reached the bed. Shirt (it was still hanging on one arm from when Pansy had pushed it off earlier), shoes, socks, everything must come off! He followed her descent to the bed, placing one knee on the mattress beside her thigh to pick up where they'd left off, but froze immediately when he saw the look on her face. And now he remembered why he hadn't removed his shirt himself ( ... )


Re: 21.00 freakedwithjet August 2 2006, 02:41:58 UTC
He looked like an animal startled in bright light for a moment, and Pansy wondered if that was it, the end of this amazing closeness and if he was going to cut and run. What would she do if he pushed back off the bed and went for his clothes? Would she grab him and try to hold him back, or would she let him go?

Before she had to decide though, he was back and pushing her slowly back to the matress. She went willingly, but this wasn't a game anymore (if it ever had been, really). There was no laughing and joking now. Perry's movements were stiff and his eyes serious as he looked down at her. Pansy was surprised she didn't feel more vulnerable, more uncertain. After all, Perry was only the second man to ever see her like this, only the second man she'd ever seen like this. But this was Perry, and she wasn't afraid, not even for a moment ( ... )


21.00 inner_human August 2 2006, 22:05:33 UTC
Perry tensed at the feeling of her fingers sifting through his hair, but for a completely different reason than worry or fear. She was still with him, still willing.

There was no denying it to himself or to her that he wouldn't be able to control himself... not entirely. And if she wasn't afraid, then hey, he'd soldier on somehow. His reply was his lips firmly on hers, and then he traveled downward, neck to collarbone to torso. His hands followed their own path down to her thighs, because there was still the business of a skirt and underwear to deal with.

All Perry had put Pansy through, and she was still so fucking patient with him. She couldn't have imagined that she, the former queen bee of Slytherin, could have tolerated him this long. He couldn't imagine any girl tolerating him, for that matter ( ... )


Re: 21.00 freakedwithjet August 2 2006, 22:58:39 UTC
How had she forgotten how good a simple kiss could be, when it was with the right person? For one wild moment, she felt as though she could forgoe any thought of sex if only she could lie there and kiss Perry over and over again until she ran out of breath ( ... )


21.00 inner_human August 2 2006, 23:56:15 UTC
Perry soon got an elbow under him so that his full weight wasn't on Pansy, and he looked quite harassed to realize she was giggling. Here he was, feeling like an utter git because his fecking arm had the sturdiness of pudding, and she thought it was funny ( ... )


Re: 21.00 freakedwithjet August 3 2006, 00:32:52 UTC
His reaction to her hand caused Pansy to smile around their kiss and she kept her touches deliberately featherlight. She meant to have him aching and desperate for her, before the end of what short time they had ( ... )


Re: 21.00 inner_human August 8 2006, 21:40:14 UTC
Perry was so absorbed that he didn't even realize what Pansy said at first. Was she giving him directions?? Oh, that was just like her. What did she think this was, a back rub? He could have rolled his eyes. Instead he settled for jabbing his fingers to the left rather suddenly.

"Like this?" Probably not. But he soon resumed this gentle caress, because if anything her comment had amused, not offended him. Besides, he wanted to know what Pansy liked, and what drove her mad. He wanted to know every inch of her.

Currently, Perry could guess that he was on the right track. It wasn't a pretty sight; Pansy's eyes were rolling, she moaned and at one point gaped much like a fish. But even these reactions were pleasing, because it was him causing them. Their eyes met, she smiled and he grinned back, feeling a strange pang deep in his chest. Perry had slept with other girls, but knowing he was wanted, that he could make a girl gasp and scream for him; that was always gratifying ( ... )


Re: 21.00 freakedwithjet August 9 2006, 01:11:20 UTC
For as long as it lasted, Pansy gave herself up to the animal urges of her body and left all of her worries behind her. Just for those precious minutes, there was nothing in the world but herself and Perry; and nothing of the world but the bed they were lying in; and no sound except for their laboured breathing and the sound of skin on skin ( ... )


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