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Re: 21.00 freakedwithjet August 3 2006, 00:32:52 UTC
His reaction to her hand caused Pansy to smile around their kiss and she kept her touches deliberately featherlight. She meant to have him aching and desperate for her, before the end of what short time they had.

The tables were turned pretty abruptly though, when Perry's hand moved back to where it had been a short time before. She gasped as his fingers entered her, and bit down a little roughly but it was his own fault. Then he was rubbing and her eyes rolled back in her head because he was so close to the perfect spot. She actually didn't mind that he broke the kiss because she could stop actively forcing herself to concentrate on it and instead she groaned and muttered, "Just - to the left a bit. Just a bit."

She felt his body shift as he moved back over her and opened her eyes to see what he was doing, looking straight up into hazel eyes looking down at her. Watching her. It might have been intimidating, even embarrassing, to be watched so intently when you were moaning and biting your lip. It really couldn't look good. But somehow, Pansy didn't care. In fact, she gazed back up at him; and she smiled.


Re: 21.00 inner_human August 8 2006, 21:40:14 UTC
Perry was so absorbed that he didn't even realize what Pansy said at first. Was she giving him directions?? Oh, that was just like her. What did she think this was, a back rub? He could have rolled his eyes. Instead he settled for jabbing his fingers to the left rather suddenly.

"Like this?" Probably not. But he soon resumed this gentle caress, because if anything her comment had amused, not offended him. Besides, he wanted to know what Pansy liked, and what drove her mad. He wanted to know every inch of her.

Currently, Perry could guess that he was on the right track. It wasn't a pretty sight; Pansy's eyes were rolling, she moaned and at one point gaped much like a fish. But even these reactions were pleasing, because it was him causing them. Their eyes met, she smiled and he grinned back, feeling a strange pang deep in his chest. Perry had slept with other girls, but knowing he was wanted, that he could make a girl gasp and scream for him; that was always gratifying.

She wasn't a virgin, at least. Perry had had that experience once in his sixth year. It had been traumatic for him and even more so for the girl (a fourth year Slytherin). She'd been all right afterward and they continued the relationship for a few more weeks, but Perry decided after that that he preferred not to be a girl's first. Of course, now he found himself wondering who else Pansy had been with, but he pushed that thought away for later.

Again there was the internal battle over whether to take this slow and gently, so as not to hurt her, or to go for quick satisfaction. Something told him Pansy wouldn't be pleased with the latter. Besides, he wanted to savor this for as long as possible.

When Perry took the time to consider it, sex was a very strange thing. That two people could interact so intimately, that the body practically depended on it was strange. It felt like weakness to him, a loss of control for someone like him, who didn't show emotion so easily. It was largely physical, but emotion was tangled in it. He wanted Pansy close, and every touch, every kiss, every word murmured breathlessly or gasped in the heat of passion was as much for his satisfaction as for hers. Perry's mind was in a fog, now and then penetrated with the reminder to control himself, but the effort was as futile as fighting the wolf; only, giving in now felt much more gratifying. Sex was indeed strange, loud and raw and sometimes awkward, and still amazingly intimate and honest. Their bodies were entangled and hot and clammy, soaked in sweat and other things, and Perry's muscles shuddered with the physical and emotional exertion of it all. Under their breathing he could hear the party winding down, guests bidding each other farewell, and in the end he held Pansy close, lips against her forehead and fingers in her hair, because he wasn't ready to confront reality just yet. He wasn't ready to let this go.

How had they gone from fighting just hours ago, to this? That's how strange sex was.


Re: 21.00 freakedwithjet August 9 2006, 01:11:20 UTC
For as long as it lasted, Pansy gave herself up to the animal urges of her body and left all of her worries behind her. Just for those precious minutes, there was nothing in the world but herself and Perry; and nothing of the world but the bed they were lying in; and no sound except for their laboured breathing and the sound of skin on skin.

Perhaps this was the closest she could ever come to understanding the man being overpowered by the wolf. If that was so, she would never understand it and Perry was right, because this didn't feel like a terrifying loss of control... it felt like flying. Or how flying would feel, if only it was as easy and as natural as lying still. It had been so long since Pansy had dwelt solely in the moment presented to her, she had forgotten what a natural high it was.

Afterwards, as she lay quietly in Perry's arms, a sweat-sheen over their entwined bodies, Pansy savoured these last few moments. She had half-expected Perry to immediately launch himself out of the bed as soon as it was all over. Instead, this intimate embrace and never-ending kiss to her forehead made Pansy wish they could stay here forever, or at least that it wasn't Potter's house and they could stay here all night.

Already though she could hear people leaving, their footsteps echoing back from the driveway, and through the window over Perry's shoulder the sun was setting. If they weren't gone soon they would miss curfew. Her hands, drawing mysterious patterns onto Perry's skin, drifted to a stop and she shifted so that she could press one more kiss to Perry's lips. All of the longings Pansy couldn't allow herself to say outloud, all of the emotions of the last hour and her wishes for the future, she said as best she could with her silent lips.

Then she rolled out of Perry's arms and, sitting up, began to retrieve her clothes and to dress. The last thing she wanted now was to be the one left alone in a cooling bed while Perry moved away from her. It seemed as though fate was contriving it so that Pansy was always vulnerable when Perry was near. Well, not tonight. Pansy hated other people seeing her weaknesses and she was determined she would not seem weak to Perry now.


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