So we have this married couple we're good friends with, T & L. T I've mentioned many times on my journal, even posted pictures of - he's the one who dressed as the Master for Halloween a few years back when Mr. gin was the Doctor. We're all really good friends, particularly T and Mr. gin, which always did my heart good because Mr. gin is a boy who needs his guy friends, and when we moved to Reno we had a hard time meeting other folks who we could really relate to. T & L have always had some drastically different interests than we do (mainly church), but we've always had a great time and we love them a lot.
Several months back, T, who was a very heavy drinker to the point of all of us being quite concerned for him, had an epiphany and quit drinking. Good for him, best thing for him, we're all very proud of him. The thing is...he's kind of become a jerk since then. He'd want to hang out with us, and would state definitively that it was not a problem for us to have a few beers around him. Hell, half the time he'd suggest that we'd all meet at the pub even though we insisted that wasn't necessary, we are more than happy to abstain around him. So, *shrug*, whatever. Except now, he's getting very condescending about the whole thing, and seems to be shunning us. We've had a birthday card for him for the past 3 weeks, and he won't even meet up with us so that we can give it to him. Last night I sent him a text asking if he was mad at us or something, and he wrote back with, IMO, a very shitty text that No, he wasn't mad, and we should do board game night next week, and he would even pick us up and take us home so that we could drink. His exact words. WTF? I also texted L, separately, and asked her if she would go to a concert with me in April (Gogol Bordello, woooo!), and got a similarly shitty text back from her this morning saying Okay, but only if I agreed to go see something with her that she wanted to see (once again: WTF? The last time she and T went and saw Gogol with us, they said they had a great time).
I'm getting this very "We Are Better Than You Guys" vibe from them, now. It hurts my feelings, it's hurting Mr. gin which makes me angry. We are good people, we are not raging alcoholics who can't hang out and have a nice evening without drinking, despite what they seem to think, and absolutely nothing about our interests have changed - it's T & L's who have. I'm going back over the last couple months trying to remember if we've slighted them in some way, and I'm coming up nil, because honestly even though T quit drinking about 9 months ago we've still been spending lots of time together just up until about the last two months. We've gone yard sale-ing, gone to book sales, had board game and movie nights, and every time T has been like "Hey, let's go to the pub!" we've ALWAYS been like "Dude, really, that's NOT NECESSARY." So where is this coming from, suddenly?
Anyway. Just needed to vent because of all these passive-aggressive texts. I honestly don't know if they both just come off badly over text, or if there's something else going on.
As a side, note, I have an embarrassing admission! Whilst cleaning today, I came across a pile of mail from December in which was nestled a very lovely postcard from Glasgow. The thing is...I lost my cheat sheet of everyone's real names/addresses and...I HAVE NO IDEA WHO SENT THIS TO ME! *hangs head in shame* So to you, postcard sender, I'm SO SORRY I didn't say thank you previously, as I missed the postcard in the first place and I don't know your LJ moniker anyway because I am a flake who loses everything in the mountain of crap on my desk. So: THANK YOU! Don't hate me?