They Didn't Know

Sep 29, 2010 23:21

Title: They Didn't Know
Rating: PG
Length: Drabble (201 words)
Pairings: None
Era: Not specified; multiple
Warnings: None
Summary: They didn't know I was always watching them.
Note: Written for the "A Sight To Behold" challenge on spnland; prompt - 'this picture'
Note 2: Received Second Place!

They didn’t know I watched them.

They didn’t know I was always there - in a corner or in the shadows along a wall. They didn’t know that, from the very moment I chose them, I watched them every single step of the way.

No matter where they were; no matter what they were doing.

They didn’t know I watched as they sought answers to mysteries that the average person never knew about - or just pretended to ignore. They didn’t know I watched as the older would comfort the younger, as he would protect and guide him as best as he could.

They didn’t know I watched when the younger sought answers to those unanswerable questions in the only place he knew, in the only place that - for all of his life - had always held the answers.

They didn’t know I watched them when he looked up, seeking answers to questions only his brother could give him.

Because only his brother had never let him down.

They didn’t know I watched them … and realized every day where their paths would end up …

And they didn’t know - would never know - that I was sorry.




c: god, f: supernatural, l: drabble, w: 100-499 words, g: general, 2010, award, c: sam winchester, s: complete, c: dean winchester

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