Oh hay guys. I watch reality TV now.
First: Real World New Orleans: YOU ARE KILLING ME. KNIGHT. STOP IT RIGHT NOW. YOU ARE TOYING WITH MY AND JEMMYE'S HEARTS AND IT IS UNACCEPTABLE. Stop being drunkenly cute and holding hands in the confessional and talking about how much you really dig her and want to be around her. STOP IT. AAHH. I'm reliving high school trauma through this show, seriously.
HELL YEAH NORTHEASTERN GIRL, REPRESENT. Loooove youuuu, commie magor (as in broadcasting, not Mao), likes the sound of her own voice, is all around awesome and adorable. Was into radio in school, which means the station that I was thinking of getting a show at SHE PROBABLY WORKED AT. OH HELLO MASSIVE GIRLCRUSH/HERO WORSHIP. Preston, ilu bb, but stop peeing on people's toothbrushes. Esp Ryan's, you're not helping the sitch. SPEAKING OF RYAN, SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU WHORE. Eric/Sahar suddenly became boring this episode. IT WAS ECLIPSED BY KNIGHT/JEMMYE (or maybe just Knight, why so awesome you hicky white boy????) I hope I'm spelling Jemmye's name right. Mackenzie is the most boring person maybe ever.
Next: WORK OF ART ON BRAVO: How much do I love this show?? It makes my soul ache. Why don't I do art anymore? Because I suck, that's why. So do a lot of people on this show. You're artists, why can't you do something conceptual?? It's like they're afraid to do anything realllyyyy personal (excepting Peregrine, resident pretty girl whatsherface, and Miles. Jackie occasionally does something really amazing, but usually by accident). It actually hurts me not to be able to talk about their pieces with them. I'm an editor at heart and I just want to make everything they do BETTER.
I think Miles is going to win because he's so consistent. He always does something that feels right to him personally, regardless of the challenge, which is what I think is the key to good art. The others are too eager to please the judges and don't always make the pieces for themselves, which is the hallmark of BAD art. Don't do art to please someone else, you'll just be a poser. Usually an uncreative poser. I see why some of the other contestants think Miles might be kind of an asshole, but he doesn't apologize for his antics, which is what I think gets them the most. They're jealous because they don't know how to be so sure of themselves or their art. GET OVER IT and you'll be a better artist and a happier person!
Bottom line: I don't know if I'd actually want to know Miles irl, but he makes some fucking amazing art. And I think Peregrine is my other fave to win, so kooky, so great. Favorite person? Abdi, hands down. What a sweetheart!! But he needs to branch out a little, get comfortable with not pleasing everyone. Most interesting person? Jackie. She is so fucked up!!! And so aware of her surroundings and yet completely unaware of her own internal motivations, it's fascinating. She says things about herself with her art that she doesn't even know she's wants to say. It's kind of amazing.
Okay I'm actually getting a little sick by the amount of words I just wrote about reality tv. So Imma stop. I'd love to talk about this if anyone else has any interest whatsoever!! K.......bye.