YAY NEW EPISODE. SO GOOD TOO. Who am I kidding, they're all good. Let's see.
I continue to love Tommy harder and harder with each passing week. I like how little he is and how he acts all tough guy but he's really just hurting because his daddy doesn't love him and he wants some familial ties that aren't totally fucked up. It's exactly what Sam needs! A little bro to take under his wing and they can each teach each other moral lessons! And because I am screwed up and way too comfortable in the Supernatural fandom, they can fuck each other, too! (Yeah I went there, you know it would be hot.)
When did Hoyt and Jessica become exes? It's been, like, three days since they had a fight? Maybe a week? Jessica, honey, you fight and then you talk. Even if you break up, there's usually a talk. This ex behavior is weirding me out. But that's okay because it frees her up for Tommy! Hoyt, you were adorable and all but Jessica needs someone with a little fire.
Sam Merlotte "what the FUCK was that?" <33333333333
I looooooooooooove Bill sfm. I thought I loved him more without her and that their relationship kind of disgusted me, but when Alcide moved over and Bill was standing there looking at Sookie like that, ngl, my heart broke a little (in a good way). I LOVE YOU BILL.
Eric/Talbot yessssss. When Eric was first sitting at the table talking to Talbot and the King and then Bill came in and then Talbot insisted Eric spend the night I was thinking "YES AND SLEEP WITH HIM" and then it cut to Bill and I was thinking "NO WAIT SLEEP WITH HIM" and then it cut back to Talbot and I was thinking "OH HELL JUST SLEEP WITH EVERYONE". True Blood turns me into a mass shipper! I just want everyone to have sex with everyone!
Goddamn, I mean I'm not a fan generally, but can Alcide rock a plaid shirt.
OH MY GOD Y'ALL LAFAYETTE. I don't even care who Jesus is (I think he's evil but whatever) I just want more and more and more of shy!Lafayette!!!! JESUS CHRIST THOSE EYES. And Laffy unsure of himself is probably literally the cutest thing I have ever seen. I died a little. And certainly squeaked.
And Laffy hanging out with Tommy, want want want!!!
Terry/Arlene continues to be amazing. Terry, honey, you are a star.
Joe Lee creeps me the fuck out.
And oh yeah, Eric. I guess that was cool. Honestly, I couldn't care less about viking flash backs. I know that puts me in the EXTREME minority but... I like Eric because he's snarky and a cold vampire, I don't need to see his human past or anything. I like him vulnerable in the moment (like when he freaked out about Pam, that was great), but the viking stuff (and the holocaust stuff, wtf) totally jars me, it just doesn't fit with the rest of the show at all. I mean, whatever, I love it all, but I just like to state my unpopular opinions. :)
OH RIGHT. FRANKLIN AND TARA. Franklin, you are terrifyingly endearing. And Tara, god, I love you so much in this story line. And it makes sense that this is happening to her, good call on the writer's part, because it gives her something to DO, something to get her over and distance her from Eggs. And something to remind her that she is a strong person and that she wants to live! Oh I love it, this shit is awesome.
I don't want Pam to die. Kill the stupid Magister already. :(
One thing I am very upset about: WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SAM/BILL?????
In other tv news, I'm watching the new Real World: New Orleans. Anybody else watching? It's trashy and fluffy and totally magnificent, as RW always is. I love Knight, I love Ashlee (HELL YEAH NORTHEASTERN), I LOVE ERIC, I love Preston... basically I love everyone except Ryan and Mackenzie. And Ryan, even though I want to gouge his eyes out sometimes, is still amusing. Mackenzie just needs to go away. LOVE IT.