Title: There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See Author: tellshannon815 Characters: Mikhail. Rating: PG Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers up to The Package. Summary: Written for lost_in_108 prompt #86: eyes. Mikhail remembers his previous life when he is shot in the eye by Jin.
title; rating: the cure, r fandom, pariing; count: lost, alex/richard; 1378 notes: completely au, prompt amnesia, for bittersweet_fic and the five acts meme here
Title: Endgame Characters: Mikhail, Jacob, Ben, Bea. Pairings: Implied history of Mikhail/Bea. Warnings: Mentions of character death. Spoilers for The Incident. Rating: PG-13 Summary: For that_evening, who requested Mikhail. Mikhail remembers the reasons why he is unable to die until blowing up the Looking Glass.