Title: Endgame
Characters: Mikhail, Jacob, Ben, Bea.
Pairings: Implied history of Mikhail/Bea.
Warnings: Mentions of character death. Spoilers for The Incident.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: For
that_evening, who requested Mikhail. Mikhail remembers the reasons why he is unable to die until blowing up the Looking Glass.
Craphole Island
When Jacob gave Richard the gift of immortality, he intended it to be a blessing.
But when he gave the same gift to Mikhail, he intended it as a curse.
“You have been foolish, Mikhail,” Jacob said as he treated Mikhail’s wounds.
Mikhail nodded, swallowing hard and trying not to flinch at the pain.
“I know,” he replied. “I was wrong to have joined with Esau. I should have remained loyal to you.”
“It’s lucky that you came to me in time,” Jacob continued, ignoring this. “I have been able to save the sight in your right eye. Another time, you may not be as fortunate.”
“Thank you, Jacob,” Mikhail gasped.
“I have saved your sight,” Jacob went on, “but at a price. You will have work to do before we face each other again.”
“Anything,” Mikhail replied. “Anything you ask of me, I will do.”
“You will need to leave the island, Mikhail.” Jacob informed him. “There is work you must do in the outside world. But then, when the time is right, I will bring you back here again.”
Mikhail nodded. “Thank you, Jacob,” he said again. “I want you to know that I will always remain faithful in the future. Esau’s cause holds no attraction for me now.”
“I know, Mikhail.” Jacob replied. “The submarine will be waiting for you now. I think someone else will be waiting for you too.”
And as Jacob had predicted, Bea Klugh was standing at the dock as Mikhail arrived.
“Why did you do it, Mikhail?” she asked as he approached. “Jacob is the one who protects us all. Why did you turn from him, and from us?”
“I was misguided,” Mikhail admitted. “I had begun to believe that Jacob was wrong about bringing others here.”
“And what about us, Mikhail?” Bea pleaded. “What made you turn from what we had together?”
Mikhail opened his mouth to speak, but Jacob interrupted with “Sub’s about to leave, Mikhail,” before he could reply, for which he was grateful.
“Come, Beatrice,” Jacob said, taking her by the arm and leading her away, leaving Mikhail to his fate in the outside world.
“Mikhail Andrei Bakunin?”
Mikhail glanced up with his one remaining eye at the sound of his name.
“You have a visitor,” the doctor continued, ushering a man towards the bed where Mikhail lay.
“Hello, Mikhail,” said the other man.
Mikhail glanced up to see that the man was Jacob.
“So you lost the eye after all,” Jacob continued. “I am sorry to see that.”
“It is because of you, isn’t it?” Mikhail guessed, ignoring what Jacob had actually said. “The injuries I sustained should have been fatal, yet I still live with merely the loss of my eye, and that is because of you.”
Jacob nodded. “It is not time for you to die yet, Mikhail, because you still have work to do, and the island won’t let you go. That’s why I’m here, Mikhail. I’m here to bring you home.”
Mikhail nodded. “And what work must I do?”
“Your actions in joining with Esau posed a threat to the safety of the island,” Jacob reminded him. “Therefore you will need to do something to protect the island before it will let you go.”
The Looking Glass
Mikhail had returned to the island with Jacob, where he had lived alone at the Flame ever since, working with the communications equipment.
He preferred it that way, and he suspected that those who were aware of his previous disloyalty preferred it too.
There was a new leader of their people now, a man named Benjamin Linus, who had previously been a member of the DHARMA Initiative. This man appeared to trust Mikhail, believing, as many of his people no longer did, that Mikhail would do anything in order to ensure the safety of the island and had no wish to leave.
Mikhail remained loyal to Ben and to Jacob at all times after his return, carrying out all tasks asked of him without question even if he did not understand the reason. He continued to live out his existence at the Flame with Nadia the cat, knowing that it must carry on this way until such time as he would be called on to act to defend the island, yet not knowing when that was likely to be.
And then one day, Mikhail had encountered a woman in the jungle with the crash survivors. Shortly after that, Ben had come to Mikhail with a list of names provided by Michael Dawson: Martin Keamy, Charlotte Staples Lewis, Naomi Dorrit. He told Mikhail that these people had been sent by former leader Widmore, that if any of them set foot on the island they would kill all inhabitants. Ben needed as much information as Mikhail could obtain on the people on the list.
Finally, Mikhail had a purpose again. And when Ben ordered him down to the Looking Glass, he knew what he had to do.
As Mikhail pulled the pin from the grenade, he imagined for a moment he heard a voice: “You can go now, Mikhail.”