Title: Anniversary
Pairing: Juliet/Sawyer
Word Count: 267
Rating: PG
A/N: Written for
Summary: Juliet feels as if she's stumbled into a movie.
There is a vase of flowers on the kitchen table. It's made from blue glass, and the flowers are bright yellow and freshly picked, just for her. Juliet brushes her messy bed-hair from her face and feels a sappy smile forming on her face at the sight of them. She leans against the frame of the doorway and stares.
It's as if she's tumbled into a rom-com by accident - but in this case, she thinks the joke is on her. She isn't the leading lady; she never has been. She's been the understudy all her life.
Not here. Not now. Not with Sawyer.
She doesn't know how to handle that.
The house is empty, with Sawyer freshly gone to work, so she takes her time as she walks over to the flowers that have been picked just for her. There is a note beside them written in Sawyer's hand. It's to-the-point and efficient, wasting no time.
Happy anniversary. See you tonight.
Two years. She can't believe that so long has passed: she can't believe that she has managed to earn so much happiness. The other shoe will drop any second. Something will go wrong; someone will die; someone will leave. It's how her life works, and before the flashes she had learned to harden her heart to it. Sawyer had too.
Because of each other, they're unlearning a lifetime of lessons. She ought to be scared.
She plucks one of the flowers from the vase and holds it to her nose, inhaling the scent. She finds that she isn't scared at all; she is happy, excited and - for once - content.
Title: Competition
Pairing: Claire/Jack/Sawyer
Word Count: 329
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Written for
Summary: Claire loves it when Jack and Sawyer compete.
The best thing about having two boyfriends, Claire thinks, is the two sets of hands that come with them.
The first set of hands - Sawyer's, in this case - are on her left foot, rubbing soft circles with his thumbs along the soles. His hands are weather-beaten and hard-working and the experienced surety of his touch is enough to make her eyes close. She rests her head against her pillow and relaxes gradually.
The second set of hands belongs to Jack, and he works with a mission on her other foot. He is a doctor and it shows when he is in bed with them; he can manipulate the human body. He's been trained for it. Claire thinks she'd find that kinda creepy if it didn't feel so damn good as he manages to make her feet feel brand new, as if she's never walked with them at all.
Her eyes open, startled, when she feels wet heat over one of her toes. She looks down to find Sawyer's mouth put to work, and the feel of his tongue and the warmth of his breath is enough to make her giggle and then moan.
He straightens up again with a smirk. "Think I just won," he says to Jack.
"Don't speak too soon," Jack says, his competitive edge flaring up automatically. Claire doesn't think the two of them will ever stop bickering like brothers - but the love between them runs just as strong, and she guesses that they wouldn't be the same unless they rubbed each other the wrong way from time to time.
Whatever the case and however they get along as a trio, there's a predatory gleam in both of their eyes as they look at her, laid out on the bed. She stretches her pale hands out towards them and it is so easy to draw them in. With the pair of them in open competition, she is ready for this to turn out to be quite some night.
Title: Again
Characters: Ana Lucia, Shannon
Word Count: 218
Rating: PG
A/N: Written for
Summary: Clinging to a gun in the middle of the jungle, Ana Lucia can't help but feel like she's been through this before.
Her legs are aching and her hand aches from holding onto the gun for too long. Her fingers will find it difficult to let go of, when she puts it down. If she puts it down - and right now, gotta be honest, that's a really big 'if'.
The jungle is quiet around her. That can't be a good thing. Quiet means that something's up: it means that they are up to something.
She looks down at the gun. She's vaguely aware that she shouldn't pull the trigger. Not this time. Not again.
What happened last time? she thinks, but she isn't sure.
She remembers the rain.
The whispers.
The shot.
Nothing more.
She swallows. "Who's there?" she calls into the unnaturally quiet darkness.
Answer comes in the form of a tall woman with wet, blonde hair. She steps from between the trees and places a hand on her hip. With her short skirt, her legs seem endless. "Put the gun down," she sighs. She sounds irritated, not scared. "It's really not going to help you here."
Ana Lucia listens to her. She's not quite sure why.
"What's going on?" she asks, because right now she needs to know. She really needs to know. "Where am I?"
The woman meets her eyes with a sad smirk on her face. The answer can't be a happy one.
Title: Adjustment
Pairing: Jin/Sawyer
Word Count: 232
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Written for
Summary: After their rescue, Sawyer meets with Jin for dinner.
They dine on freshly caught fish in the evening; Sawyer had thought, after leaving the island, that he'd never want to taste anything he'd eaten there again, but whenever Jin offers to cook it is damn difficult to resist. There's something enthralling about watching Jin at an oven. It looks unnatural. Wrong.
"Still getting used to seeing you back in civilisation," he has to admit.
Jin smiles. "I am still getting used to being back here," he says.
Ain't no surprise there. It's been one hell of a culture shock trying to find their feet after all they've been through. Jin looks too neat and too tidy, with his hair cut short and an expensive shirt buttoned high.
Sawyer's having a hard time trying not to imagine ripping it open at the end of the evening like he knows he's gonna do. He wants to make sure it gets thoroughly wrecked. He's more used to seeing Jin in Dharma jumpsuits than the regular kind.
"You seem to be settling in pretty well," he says. It sounds like an accusation. They've been back for six months now and Sawyer still feels wrong. His skin itches when he isn't near the sea.
Jin offers a fluid shrug that means nothing at all. "You do not," he answers.
And, hell, there's not much at all that Sawyer can say to that. He keeps quiet and carries on with his meal.