Title: After Graduation
Pairing: Kurt/Puck
Word Count: 409
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Written for
neptuneskissesSummary: The Glee Club go out to celebrate.
There's a quiet lull at the end of the evening.
The others have walked ahead while Kurt and Puck linger in the background, walking along the sidewalk side-by-side. Kurt isn't sure why he's bothered. He's going to be at school next year, younger than the rest of them. The all-stars of the Glee Club are leaving, like Finn and Puck, the rest of them remain behind to move on to even better things.
"I'll still see you," Puck says.
It almost sounds like a threat.
Thankfully, Kurt knows Puck better than that by now.
"I'm still going to be around, I mean. I'm not leaving town."
Not yet, Kurt adds internally for him, because he knows that Puck isn't going to stick around. Despite what everyone likes to say, he isn't a Lima loser. He's going places. He'll get out of this dead-end place. Somebody has to.
His shoulder twitches. He's not sure if it's supposed to be a shrug or not, but he's pretty sure that if he tries to speak then whatever wants to come out will be horribly choked and strained. He may have been out of the closet for months now, but he isn't nearly flamboyant enough to be comfortable crying in front of someone like Puck.
"I think this is the first time I've ever had you speechless, Hummel," Puck says.
Up ahead, Kurt can hear the sound of everybody laughing. They could run ahead and join them and they could do without this sappy goodbye. He thinks that his life would perhaps have been a lot better if he hadn't bothered to befriend Puck in the first place: it would have been simpler, in any case.
He licks his lips, tasting his lip balm on his tongue, and decides that it's a case of now or never. There's nothing left to lose, right?
Before Puck can attempt any more awkward words, Kurt grabs hold of his arm to make him stop walking. "What the hell?" Puck mutters, turning. Kurt meets him half-way with the strength of his body. He has to stretch in order to reach, but he manages to press their lips together, his hand resting on the back of Puck's neck to pull him down and make it more comfortable.
Puck only freezes for a moment before he melts and gives in.
Kurt smiles peacefully and his eyes close. Even if they don't see each other after Puck moves on, he'll remember this. They'll always have one shared kiss.