I looked in the memories, but there aren't a lot of posts about acupuncture, and the last one asking for everyone's experiences was in 2006, so I thought I'd ask again since it's two years later
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Hey all -- I haven't had time to post lately thanks to end-of-the-year drama and school finishing (sigh) BUT I wanted to let you know that I was accepted into the ASU Geological Sciences Program in the School of Earth and Space Exploration (ASU SESE for short!)...so I'll be moving to Tempe in August (YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY). This means: warm weather
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My GP and I have decided to give Acupuncture a go to try and alleviate my headaches and neck pain. I've only had two treatments, but I'm really not sure if it's the right thing for me. I have M.E./CFIDS and Fibromyalgia, by the way
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