M'kay, so this is the part that I inform you all that next week will be our... *drum roll* Second Holiday Past Prompt Promptathon! Oh, you know you're excited. Now last year we had one drabble, let's aim for two this year! So why you all plan what pairing and past prompt you want to choose for the promptathon, this week's prompt shall be...
Prompt Seventy-Six - Holy
Our favorite beloved non-elemental spell that defeats the darkness with it's lovely glow. Also one of the most sacred words in the world. Let's see how our ladies use it.
Any interpretation of the prompt is fine so long as it's about holy or someone mentioning it. Your drabbles must be either 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 words exactly. Multiple drabbles are acceptable! Just don't forget to follow the other posting (and general rules) on the profile page.
A new prompt will appear next Tuesday, December 21st, 2010 noon-ish (EST).
Don't forget - past prompts are always open!
And drop off your prompt ideas
Participant(s) this past week and their drabble(s) -
sissyhiyah -
Sex (FFVIII, Quistis/Xu, R)
vegakapera -
Excuses (FFVII:OGC/DoC, Elena/Yuffie, PG)
thunderousmoon -
Studying Sweets (FFVIII, Late Girl/Waiting Girl, PG)