Excuses. Elena/Yuffie. PG

Dec 09, 2010 02:16

 Title: Excuses
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII/Dirge of Cerberus
Pairing: Elena/Yuffie
Prompt: Holidays
Words: 100
Rating: PG
Note: couldn't find a tag for this pairing. Might be blind.

It wasn’t unlike a get out of jail free-card.

Elena thought the word tasted of cherries. Slightly sticky.

How strange a custom. Wutain in origin, she believed.
Oh, look. A mistletoe.

Stupid thing to say. She was glad she’d never said it.

Point at a mistletoe and you don’t need an excuse.
Why a mistletoe?
She couldn’t imagine Reeve the kind to decorate the WRO facilities. If she remembered correctly he didn’t even observe the holidays.

Time passed.

“Oh, look. A mistletoe.”

Elena thought it tasted of cherries. Slightly sticky.

Wutain in origin.

No excuse needed.

Perfect excuse.

author: vegakapera, fandom: ffvii - doc, fandom: ffvii - ogc, prompt: holidays, pairing: elena/yuffie

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