Studying Sweets. FFVIII. LateGirl/WaitingGirl.

Dec 14, 2010 23:12

Title: Studying Sweets.
Fandom: FFVIII.
Pairing: LateGirl/WaitingGirl.
Prompt: npcs
Rating: T
Words: 400.
Spoilers?: None.
Author's Note: Merry Christmas everyone (if I don't end up posting anything before then so that I can say it) :)

"I could be doing much better things than waiting for you." I mutter in anger as I slam down a pile of books.
The librarian nearby us glares at the sudden noise and I glare back.
My friend is sitting at the table we usually sit at; hair sweaty and combed by the wind from running.
"What?" She retorts, "Read the PlayGF magazines you constantly steal from me?"
We stare, stone eyed and flaming pupils, at one another for a few moments until smiles break out - sunny and as sweet as her toffee sweets.
Which she is offering to me now.
I gobble my share down, she'd try to eat them out of my mouth if I didn't, her addiction is that bad.
Even now she's staring at my lips with a ravenous stare; tongue darting in and out like a hyper viper.
"Good thing you don't have this attitude with hotdogs; you'd be disappointed everyday." I roll the last of my sweets around and press it against the inside of my cheek; enjoying the stickiness that clings to it.
"Yeah," She begins opening the small container hers are kept inside, "But my interests only lie in the sweetest of things."

I can hear the breaking of plastic and of many small objects falling to the ground.

Her toffees.

She quickly picks them up again but both of us know how disgusting the library floor is; the other students don't bother to wipe their feet after they've been in the training grounds.
I watch as a film of tears fill up in her eyes; staring down at her last packet for the week.

My throat swallows slightly, though not swallowing the sweet, and there is no twinge of a sore throat.

I'm breathing through my nose properly so I haven't come down with a head cold.

I glance at the librarian and then at my palms; that old cow is staring at us so I can't exactly gob into my hand, plus I haven't washed them for awhile...

"I don't have anymore money left..." She mutters.
Neither do I...

I lean in, grab her face, and kiss her; pushing the half eaten toffee into the other's mouth. She pulls away from me and then spits the sweet into her hand; this time she reaches out and drags me into a kiss.

I think I can hear the librarian clapping.

pairing: late girl (ffviii)/waiting girl, fandom: ffviii, author: thunderousmoon, prompt: npcs

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