Gen: Shadow: Organizational Post

Mar 19, 2006 15:19

It's time for a new Gen fic to get off the ground. Based on poll results, we thought it best for the mods to start off this next one and perhaps we can interest more of you in the next round. Our working title for the new gen fic is Shadow.

Shadow n.
1. The rough image cast by an object blocking rays of illumination.
2. A feeling or cause of gloom or unhappiness.
3. A dominating presence or influence.
4. A phantom; a ghost.
5. A faint indication; a foreshadowing.
6. Shelter; protection.

This gen fic may contain canon pairings (or potential pairings). This includes Wash/Zoe, Mal/Inara sexual tension, and Kaylee crushing on Simon.

The coding you will use to link back to this post is:
Shadow Organizational Post

Title: Shadow
Setting: Post-Series/Pre-BDM
Pairing: See above

Chapter 01 by cheshire_monkey
Chapter 02 by grapho_spasm
Chapter 03 by rinalin
Chapter 04 by slowlydying
Chapter 05 by sagey1899
Chapter 06 by rinalin
Chapter 07 by woodsong_1978
Chapter 08 by traingeek
Chapter 09 by rinalin
Chapter 10 by quillscribe
Chapter 11 by grapho_spasm
Chapter 12 by sagey1899
Chapter 13 by quillscribe
Chapter 14 by maantre
Chapter 15 by goth_huntress
Chapter 16 by theblackcanary
Chapter 17 by cheshire_monkey
Chapter 18 by sagey1899
Chapter 19 by traingeek
Chapter 20 by slowlydying - FINAL CHAPTER

organizational post, shadow, gen

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