If you haven't seen the Steamed Hams clip from The Simpsons, here's the best way to prepare for the next part of this post:
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This little clip, aired on the 14th of April, 1996, can be described thus (in one of the comments to the video):
This is the Golden Ratio of comedy.
Not only is it so simple and easy to follow, but even if you'd never watched Simpsons before, if we were 1000 years into the future, and this were the only clip to survive a media purge, you'd completely understand both these characters, the comedy is super universal because of its simplicity, and in less than 3 minutes its crafted perfect parallel arc while ramping of the hilarity and absurdity of the situation.
...now here's the Nazi Germany adaptation- a "reskin" of the humor, and a history lesson all in one:
Click to view
For any of you who understand German (or who have a good grasp of language cognates), you'll note that the actual spoken words are a close translation of the original clip- but don't let it distract you from the ingenious writing of the captions.
I am not responsible if you fall down the Youtube hole of the dozens upon dozens upon DOZENS of re-imaginings of the Steamed Hams scene.
God is good. That is all.