
Aug 20, 2012 23:09

Yesterday during work, Molly, Natalie, and Sammy Jo came in after they had left to tell me the tires on the left side of my car were getting flat. Great. So I went outside and went to look at them. They weren't totally flat, but definitely needed air. Since Mike, the cook, was going to the gas station on his break, he said he would help me put air in my tires, so I followed him to the gas station (luckily I was still able to drive my car, but I was worried my tires were going to pop or something) and he filled air in them. Then today was my day off so I went to Jensen's which is just two minutes away from where I live and asked them to check the air pressure, so hopefully everything will be okay now.

I went to Target where I ran into Brittany and Alix, two girls who used to work at HP. I told them we missed them because they were definitely some of our better workers and I told them how they had switched things up where the dietary aides were taking the orders and the med aides were getting the drinks. Luckily Alix gave me a good tip on how to make taking orders a little easier: for the residents who are very undesicive and never know what they want, just try to push one of the entres. Like say, "How about the chicken? Does that sound good?" instead of asking them which one they want and reading both entrees. I usually just read the entrees and skip over the sides unless they specifically ask. I gave Lucille as an example of one of the residents that take F-O-R-E-V-E-R and they both nodded in agreement. Lucille is the sweetest old lady and she will talk your ear off. Trying to take her order takes about ten minutes, no joke. I will have to try Alix's tactic! Brittany saw me first and told me she was shopping with Alix who was somewhere else and that they were now roommates. When Alix finds us, she shows us this glass water bottle she found with this really cool, chic print and said she was getting it because of how sexy it was. Then she told me that she and Brittany were roomies and when I told her that Brittany already told me, she goes, "She better have! And she better be happy about it!" those girls!

car, hp, shopping

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