Sep 21, 2006 23:08

These boots are RIDICULOUS.

glaphix: look at these shoes
glaphix: they're like chewbacca shoes
fenlings: ...
fenlings: scary
fenlings: mukluks
fenlings: I DIE
glaphix: haha, that's a funny word
glaphix: HAHAHA

Between these boots and all the 80s fashions purported to be coming back, I'm *damn glad* I'm not hung up on being fashionable and that I just like what I like.

OMG Mimi just said that METALLIC BAGS ARE BACK.

Get thee behind me, 80s!


Also Mimi has a friend named Kishor, which is an AWESOME NAME, totally a Star Trek villain name, and now I have made it my new general sound of affirmation.

Sample Dialogue:

"Fenlings, would you like to go to the store for some canned meat?"



Today in school there was this EXTREMELY TALL and skinny ichi-nensei boy who was hilarious. He is like twice the size of most of his classmates, and also has the most personality. He retains a lot of English and uses it naturally which is YAY, even if he doesn't always follow the dialogue pattern we're supposed to be memorizing. All during class, he kept saying to his boy friend "I LOVE YOU." in the tone of voice a husband would use after breaking a vase or something and trying to convince his wife not to kill him. Only he was smiling and like NUDGING HIS FRIEND REPEATEDLY with his shoulder it was so. adorable. And the friend just laughed and blushed and SAT THERE TO BE NUDGED by this giant boy.

Also today in a ni-nensei class it was so strange the way like 6 of the boys chose to occupy their time. They got little pieces of eraser and colored them black with a marker and put gluestick on them and AFFIXED THEM TO THEIR FACES in various positions. Beauty marks/moles are attractive? Or funny? (I suspect mostly funny.) Anyway the teacher ignored them, so I just watched them spend the majority of their attention on this EPIC PROJECT. They would like throw the little balls to each other across the room and compare notes about density and placement, and use lots of tools to make the balls. It was very random!


There continue to be OBSCENE AMOUNTS of 体育大会の練習 in which I, along with the entire faculty of 東中学校, stand around aimlessly on the dirt field everyday while the students practice in the hot sun for TWO HOURS. It's funny to see the teachers change their entire outfits to athletic clothes just to stand around.

And then and then! 校長先生 was all 「ちょっと焼けた?」

And I was like "NOOOOOOOO!" But then I accosted two 西中 girl students coming home from 職場対象 (at a panya. how *cute* is that?) on the train with me, and they said I was fine, and I WAS. So she was either MEAN or BLIND or maybe I was just flushed from the heat fine whatever.


I want to see this movie!


I've been reading Temeraire. (Yay ebooks.) I'm in the middle of book 3, and I have to say, I'm not really feeling the love. I ADORE all of Shalott's post-Sentinel-era fics. A LOT. And I'm extremely impressed with the world-building here. But I just don't care enough about Laurence or Temeraire. They're not interesting enough to me. Laurence doesn't seem like a real person--or he's not emotionally accessible for me or something. I don't really feel for him.

Basically, it's just that I don't want to read Laurence and Temeraire's story. I REALLY want to read Tharkay's story, which hits all the good "Far Pavilions" points for me. (OMG OMG THERE WAS A STAGE SHOW. Did you all know this? Why didn't you TELL ME?)

I also would like to read Emily Roland's story! Or even Lien's.

And war is extremely boring to me when I don't really know or care about the people in it. I do like the emotional drama of Laurence's and Temeraire's threatened separations. And I would like to see English dragons be given rights, but I just want it to happen. I don't want to have to watch every step of the tedious process. And people and their relationship drama are more interesting to me than war or politics anyway.

In conclusion, I love Tharkay. Did I mention how I LOVE HIM and his DRAWING ROOM ACCENTS? <333333


I just watched the TRAGIC BROTHERCEST OF YAY. (Go to your temporary internet files for better viewing, etc.) It is seriously deeply pretty, even if the ending is kind of whiplash-inducing from the melodrama.


Recently I was on a NOBLE QUEST to find out if turtle penises were retractable, spurred by this awesome Ninja Turtles post on crack_van in which it's stated that there is turtle porn, but the suspension of disbelief is more difficult because the writers don't adequately address the mechanics of porn about beings with no visible genitals. (Seriously, where do they *keep* them? Under their shells? Have they evolved/mutated *beyond* penises? John mentioned that some birds just have a kind of spray...)

So I challenge you, f-list! To bring me much knowledge of turtle penises, because my knowledge-gathering skills have failed me.

I was never a Ninja Turtles fan, but this fandom sounds way cooler that I'd thought. Now if I could only get that theme song out of my head...

brothercest, ninja turtles, temeraire, rl

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