Sep 18, 2006 23:47

Today is Old People Day. So it's a holiday and there was NO WORK YAY. But tomorrow there is work.

Saturday I was at a different supermarket, and they had some BACON. And it LOOKED LIKE real American bacon. It was the same size and everything. But then today I cooked it and it was just LONG JAPANESE BACON. WOE.

I was watching "Higher Ground" lately, and I remember watching it somewhat back when it first aired, but back then I didn't know like ALL THE PEOPLE in it, like Kaylee from Firefly, because this was before Firefly. So it's fun to see everyone now that they've become someone. (And Jim Byrnes! <33) And remember, this is where Anne Marie Loder met Peter DeLuise. Hayden Christenson is just as whiny as I remembered. ("Waaah my stepmother rapes me. Waaaah I like drugs.") He's fairly Anakin here, but then maybe that's the only role he knows. But I still like this character waaaay better than Anakin. And I was getting all caught up in the storylines and everything! But there are no more episodes up on cdntv and the last one was a GIANT CLIFFHANGER so I am SAD.

Back on Star Trek, the crack continues to flow freely.

"The Savage Curtain"

Kirk and company are accosted by Abraham Lincoln floating in space, sitting in his armchair. Seriously. How awesome is that?

(Almost as cool as Screw-on Head's Lincoln.)

It's a bird! It's a plane!

It's Lincoln!

So they invite him on board, and Scotty wears his kilt, and they treat Lincoln like the real President and generally act *insane*.

Lincoln calls Uhura a "negress," and there follows some nauseatingly self-congratulatory PC bullshit.

And then there is another instance of that plot where a mysterious alien transports the leader to its planet and makes him fight with primitive weapons while his powerless crew watches on the viewscreen. It's like some fucked-up reality television. Maybe those aliens are secretly taping this all for "Survivor."

But there is some interesting information about Vulcan culture, and Surak wears a pretty dress.

But look at Lincoln! Speared in the back!

So, so ridiculous. Wow.

"Who Mourns for Adonais?"

Instead of Lincoln, this time the episode starts off with a GIANT DISEMBODIED HAND.

It grabs the ship. (Tee hee!)

And makes everyone go wheeeee!

Then a disembodied head appears. Such an improvement!

It turns out this is Apollo! And all the Greek gods were actually aliens!

Who knew?

Just like in "Plato's Stepchildren," a random Greek dude Makes People Do Things with his mind.

Here he makes Kirk kneel. With his finger.

Fear my ominous pointing!

Making Kirk kneel seems to be especially popular among the Greek mind-controlling villain crowd.

But then his finger does something UNEXPECTED!

Use the Force, Apollo!


Oh noes!

They disobey Apollo, and he gets angry.

"I AM KIRO-- wait."

There, Away Team. Are you proud of yourselves?


So he disappears into the ether, and it's all, uh, very... sad.

When I researched the title, of course I had to read the poem again. I'd forgotten about it, but I really like it. Yay, Romantics! It's the kind of thing I like to read aloud, like The Declaration of Independence in American.

So then I had to look up Pythian. And then tangentially I remembered that my aunt said that she saw a PBS special where they discovered that the genetic descendents of the Amazons are among the Mongols. Neat!

"The Apple"

Ah, Kirk, off to destroy another civilization's way of life.

On the away team, Spock spots a danger to Kirk!


He pushes him out of the way and takes the flower poison himself. Such love!

KIRK: Trying to get yourself killed. Do you know how much Starfleet has invested in you?

Awww. Then Spock starts rattling off a figure. Hee.

But it seems they're stuck there on the planet.

SCOTTY: The way it is now, we couldn't beam up a fly!


Hehehe! That line is right up there with Spock's "It could be a beaker full of death!"

Later on, Spock is struck by lightning. Heh.

Kirk carries him to safety.

You know, this episode in particular seemed like almost a caricature of slashable shows.

But look, distracting us from the slash! There are some natives! And Kirk makes one cry because he is a big meanie. But I like these natives. Mostly because the men are all dressed only in slit skirts and sandals.

My kind of planet!

Kirk tries to figure out how the natives have sex. He asks Spock because Spock is "the science officer." Heh.

Spock says they have sex by following instructions from the giant machine that rules their planet. McCoy says he'd "like to see" that. Aaaaaaand, that's something I didn't want to know about YOU either, McCoy!

Kirk eats an apple smugly at everyone.

Now to the important part! David Soul!

Heeeee. Such a baby.

But pretty!

He and the girl watch Chekov and his girl get it on, and decide to try some of that for themselves.

David Soul has this slow and deliberate way of moving his hands that's just. Delicious. He makes that touch to the shoulder seem like. HOT.

Then he kisses her cheek. Slowly.

And then there is much general smooching.

This makes him happy!

Until they're interrupted by the anti-sex patrol.


Aaaand calf!

After the big machine is destroyed, along with their blissful immortality and entire way of life, Kirk makes a patronizing speech.

David Soul listens, wide-eyed.

You mean we can have *sex* now?


star trek picspam, star trek, rl, picspam

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