Jump with me, now!

Jun 20, 2006 18:42

God, can he *stop being so hot*? It's distracting! I was just trying to find the taxi driver and Johnny kept being all "Cap me! Cap me! I so pretty!" And, well, yes, Johnny. Yes, you are.

With his hair and his long earring and his *leather cuff* underneath his dress shirt. ::glazes::

The black captain from Forever Knight plays a *third* wildly different character on Jump Street. Are we just not supposed to notice? He's not even hiding behind prothsetic makeup!

Gloria Reuben was in a neighborhood vigilante group, and Penhall's new partner in Major Crimes was Roz from "Frasier" with no make-up and HUUUUGE hair. Haha. I really only recognized her voice.


The Booker ep "Nemesis" was the best ep of JS so far (1st 3 seasons), IMO. You would expect an episode this well-written to be an episode for Johnny, and it was, only apparently Johnny was going through his bitchy period and protested the *morality* of "keeping quiet about a murder" (the homeless dude? Or Bobby?). Whatever, like Hanson's morals haven't totally deteriorated over the course of the show. He knows about exigencies! I think Johnny just wanted to get fired.

Rewriting the ep for Booker might have caused a few canon inconsistencies, but I don't think it damaged the *story*, and that's the important part. I think this episode really works as an independent story, like a movie. I actually like the way that Booker took some of the hard-core roles that Johnny refused. Booker is depicted as much more isolated and fucked-up, while Hanson has the support of his friends. Hanson seems like he has more of a life himself, so I don't think this episode dealing with the mutability and subjectivity of identity would have worked for him as well. Hanson's identity is too strong, both in the minds of other characters and in the minds of the viewers. He has too many strong connections with people and character development and history for me to really be convinced that he can only connect emotionally with his undercover targets. Booker doesn't have strong ties to Jump Street - doesn't have strong ties to much of anyone, including the audience.

But this is the episode that made me go BOOKER! HEART! Where before I'd only found him too pretty and smarmy and not fully-developed at all. But he has *layers*, man. I can totally see now why he left the police force to become a private detective. And this episode has done the best job so far of exploring the toll exacted by a lifestyle of undercover. And it's kind of postmodernist about identity and reality and I want to write papers omgyay.

It had some nice impressionistic filming and subjective point of view, and it was just good, especially for Jump Street. I mean, sure the resolution was too pat, and the storytelling was heavy-handed, but this *is* Jump Street, where all points are made with an anvil.

Two earrings yay!

Hanson is Concerned.

"Shut up, narc! Oh, wait..."

Jewelry in the shower again! Not for one second may he be unadorned!

Mmm, back of necklace.

He's all insanely paranoid and constantly in danger of being discovered and emotionally estranged from everyone who cares about him and conflicted and wracked with guilt and always, always, always lying.

God, why is that so hot?

jump street, jump street picspam, picspam

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