Jump Street! PICSPAM!

Jun 19, 2006 22:17

It's been months since I watched Jump Street season 3 and intended-to-cap it. But, in a fever of vidding-procrastination, I have finally started actually capping.

First, up: The JV episode! "Swallowed Alive."

Everyone goes undercover in juvie. Why? Who cares!

Hanson and Penhall have deep brooding discussions about the penitentiary system.

PEHNHALL: "What does this place do for them except make them worse?"


Meanwhile Ioki and Booker are inside too.

IOKI: Can I have the soap?

BOOKER: Sure. (tosses it to him)

IOKI: (fumbles! drops the soap!)

BOOKER: Sorry.

I must say, he doesn't *sound* very sorry. And wow, totally checks him out. Oh, Jump Street, always diligently bringing the gay.

IOKI: (pause) Cover me.

Ioki bends over amidst honest-to-God *wolf whistles* from the other showering inmates.

I love how Booker doesn't take off his jewelry to shower. Hehe.

And then there is this dude:

This actor played the assaassin immortal from HL, and was also in TS, but they could all maybe be the same character! No really, this is what I think about.

At first he's that crazy cat in Prohibition, and then in modern times he screws up and gets arrested and stuck in juvie.

While there, he starts to want to better himself.

Read book! Be moral!

He "dies" at the end of the ep (immortals are so convenient that way, aren't they?).

He gets out, changes his name, and resolves to help people now. So in TSbyBS he's a union organizer. But the hostility and murderous intent from all the mortals he's trying to help make him go "screw this!" and he changes his name to throw off the assassins and returns to his Life of Crime. Just in time for Duncan to kill him. It's a character arc! A really extreme--hm. ...It works if you squint? Whatever, immortals all have multiple personality disorder anyway.

ANYHOO, back to the important part of the episode:

Johnny Depp!

Penhall goes crazy because he's claustrophobic (for one episode at least).

Here is Hanson in solitary listening to Penhall go crazy insane from claustrophobia in a nearby cell.

Brood, Hanson, brood!

So of course Penhall leaves, and for some reason Ioki and Booker have to leave too.

So it's just Tommy. Alone.

Being Hanson, of course he manages to become the most powerful person in the JV strict social structure. (This skinny, pretty dude? Weird.)

And he arbitrates disputes and tries to get in on the drug trade to bust the dealers eventually.

At one of the disputes, this blond guy

asks Hanson to kill this other guy. Named "Meat".


BLOND GUY: ...Figure it out.

HANSON: (Pause) I can't do that man. You're on your own.

BLOND GUY: You gotta help me. Please I - I'll do anything!

Aaaaand Hanson leaves. That's the most explicit they get about rape and institutionalized sexual abuse, which, okay, I guess they can't do that on television (though it shocks the hell out of me every time they say n---r on that show).

So Hanson gets really depressed and, because he's the most powerful person, he can arrange to meet a girl from the girls' lock-up in some tunnel underneath the prison. (Even though he's sleeping with/has slept with Jackie at this point.)

She wants to have sex right away, but he makes her stop and sit down with him on the ground.

And then Johnny - wait for it - CRIES A SINGLE TEAR.

He's obviously in training for Crybaby.

The girl certainly thinks he's a crybaby and leaves in disgust. "You're a waste." Leaving him crying alone with his vodka-in-a-shampoo-bottle.

Oh, Johnny.

Um he is hot and angsty a lot.

Can't! Stop! Capping!

Man, how different is he from the earnest, overacting dweeb of the Pilot?

Mmm, greasy hair only works on some people, Penhall. Watch and learn.

Whew, that took longer than I thought. I have more eps capped or about-to-be, so expect more soon!

jump street, jump street picspam, picspam

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