Furniture Repair and Popslash! Like Peanut Butter and Jelly!

Jun 18, 2006 23:52

So the other day I was putting away for real the blankets that I had previously kind of nudged out of the way of daily traffic. This involves taking futon bags down from the top doors of the closet, putting stuff in, and putting them back up. This also involves standing on a chair.

Well, since I added stuff, it was harder for me to lift the bags above my head (my arms no longer strong from throwing rifles everyday... ::single tear::). So I overbalanced, tipped over the chair, fell on the chair, and the futon bag fell on me.

Someone must have been looking out for me, because the chair actually broke in many many places to *cushion my fall*, so I was only a little banged up.

But now! Broken chair! For a lot of reasons, it would be easier for me to fix this one than buy a new set. So I ordered Gorilla Glue, had it delivered, and this weekend started gluing! And it worked!

I fixed the chair! \(^_^)/

However, caught up in my glue fever, I completely missed out_of_con_txt's trillian chat. Buuuuu. I shall quite enjoy all the fic, though! *^_^*

Thank God for shiny new distracting goodfic. When I get tired enough of rereading, bad things can happen. Helen, disturbingly good writer that she is, led me astray today when I was looking for a particular SG-1 fic on her webpage. ::facepalm:: I, uh, still am anti-SG-1! Hold the line! ...But leave the porn. OT4. Yes. All of a sudden, I found myself reading some of her NSYNC fics. I don't know what happened. I might have been influenced by this essay, which made my brain do nice postmodernist stretches and aerobics last week.

So while reading, I had to look up the pictures to see who the hell I was reading about, and even after seeing the pictures, they all looked the same! God, just typing those names in googleimage filled me with this black wave of shame. It wasn't so much the lingering media-fandom-influenced prejudice against rps as it was the extreme prejudice against NSYNC, or howthefuckever you spell their name. Because not only are they a boyband, they're a *ripoff* boyband of BSB. And even at age 10 when I actually liked New Kids on the Block, I knew enough to be ashamed of it, and whisper it in my friend's ear as this huge secret. So of course, now that I've read these fics, I had to save them, and let me tell you, writing "popslash" in the fandom category of the filename actually made me whimper out loud in distress. There's always further to fall. Hee.

Oh, BTW, does anyone have any personal recommendations for external drives of 300-500 GB? I found this one, but it's the same brand as the internal-made-external one that failed, got sent back, and had the new one fail again right out of the package (though to be fair, the ratings for that model were abysmal on amazon, which I wish I had known before I bought it). I'm really stuck on vidding until I can get more space. (200GB just isn't! enough! Hee.) I need space enough for temp files to work on multiple vids at one time, because otherwise when I get stuck I'm either forced to make the vid anyway, suckily, or have to delete the temp files to start another vid and maybe never come back to it (and if I do, have to go through conforming all the files again). I know, my life is hard, right?

I've been watching a lot of clips of Colbert and TDS at youtube and They are a balm to my spirit. And on, his bio reads that his wife bought him at a bachelor's auction. If that's true, that would be like a romance novel cliche come to life. Hehe.

meta, links, rl

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