On the Verge of Colliding with Someone

Aug 15, 2010 08:54

Author:  kitausu 
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: T'Pring/Uhura
Prompt: Anthropology
Wordcount: 145
Rating: PG-13
Note: Title and cut text from Neuromancer.

“That one,” Uhura says, leaning conspiratorially into T’Pring’s personal space, “is going to take another shot, then order a martini and come over to hit on you.”

T’Pring raises an eyebrow. “How can you be certain?”

Uhura smiles, tapping her temple with her forefinger. “Baby, you’re talking to an expert in humanoid body language. Wrote my term paper on it last year.”


“Indeed,” Uhura hums, smirking.

From the corner of her eye, T’Pring sees the man cross to the bar, ordering a martini. She can feel his eyes on her, wide and hungry.

“What is the most expedient method for deterring such unwanted attentions?”

Uhura’s smile turns lascivious, tossing perfectly straight hair in cascades down her back. “You could kiss me,” she offers, the shyness in her voice belying the confidence of her bearing.

“Logical,” T’Pring murmurs, and leans in to taste Uhura’s laughter.

author: kitausu, drabble cycle: academia, fandom: star trek aos

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