The Tarot: The Star

Oct 19, 2009 22:35

Title: XVII: The Star
Prompt: Number Seventeen: The Star
Fandom: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Pairing: Juri/Shiori
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
A/N: Possible meanings for The Star include "loss" and "abandonment."

You can't lose what you never had. Juri knows that. She knows Shiori was never hers to keep. That doesn't stop the hurt, or the bitterness. It doesn't stop her gut from twisting whenever she opens another one of Shiori's letters. (And she always opens them.)

She shouldn't care anymore. Shiori left her. That should be the end of it.

But the locket is cold against her skin, an ever present reminder of the still festering abandonment. And when the memories surge up again, she can't stop herself from staring at the picture, mourning what was never hers to lose.

fandom: revolutionary girl utena, drabble cycle: the tarot, author: veleda_k

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