Challenge #210 (The Hunger: Miriam/Sarah)

Oct 19, 2009 14:47

Title: Primal Fear
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: The Hunger (movie)
Pairing/Characters: Miriam Blaylock/Sarah Roberts
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Hunger belongs to Tony Scott, MGM and company.
Prompts: #203 - fear
Word Count: 172

There is a part of her that is shivering in fear and that is desperate to resist the skilled seduction of Miriam’s, a part of her that is completely primal. She’s not sure if it was the sherry that lowered her inhibitions and that made her completely forget about Tom while she trembled in the presence of Miriam. Yet despite that very insignificant part of her that is screaming at her to get off of the bed and to run away before it’s too late, Sarah submits to her desires. She can’t understand the fear that is so primal in nature nor can she grasp the concept that Miriam is a predator in sheep’s clothing. When Miriam kisses her all of her thoughts of fear, predators, and why she shouldn’t be here vanish and all Sarah can think about is the delightful feel of Miriam’s body pressing against her own. In that moment, she is more afraid of Miriam changing her mind and leaving the bed than she is of anything else.


author: aaronlisa, challenge203, fandom: the hunger, challenge210

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