174-A fight gone wrong (Or right)- Demonata

Jan 10, 2009 00:12

Title: A fight gone wrong (Or right)
Author: Dorey
Fandom: Demonata
Pairing: Meera/Juni
Rating: PG
Word count: 250
A/N: I had to edit this down lots and it’s still only just acceptable… *Facepalm*

It’s a comment too far and she knows it, Meera looks murderous as she grabs Juni and drags her down the corridor and Juni can only wonder how hard Meera will hit her and how much retaliation she can get away with.

This was not good… But in her defence it was rather hard playing the harmless goody-goody around Meera… It was just something about her, something that excited passions that she had managed to hide even with Beranabus.

With those sort of things running through her mind it was really no surprise that she was completely tensed by the time that they reached Meera’s room.

She had never been in here before, usually when they had their yelling matches it was in Juni’s room, or a disused part of the house… They had never yelled at each other here though.

Apart from the piles of clothes it was clean, big windows, a bed dominating the room... Juni cut her mind off the moment it started to muse on the softness of the sheets, instead turning to glare at Meera.

Who was right in her face, giving her a glare in return “I suppose you think you’re funny?”


“Well? Well, Juni, I think it’s time you realised something” and then Meera kissed her, hard on the mouth… And she could only stand there uselessly, paralysed.

Finally Meera drew back and scowled “get out.”

Juni fled.

Outside she sank to the ground and touched her lips… That certainly hadn’t been a punch.

author: doreyg, challenge174, fandom: demonata

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