Challenge #174 - Anticipation // SVU

Jan 09, 2009 02:41

Title: The Rain Isn't To Blame
Author: lowbatterie , archived @ substitute_ego
Prompt: Challenge #174; anticipation
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Casey/Olivia
Rating: PG
Word count: 250

It took Casey a long time to ask Olivia out. But she finally choked it out as the detective was exiting her office and instead of turning around with a disgusted look, she found surprise evident in Liv’s risen brows. Then that stupid lopsided smile that made her knees all wobbly and jello-y was aimed right at her, with a “Yes, I’d love to,” rolling off those lips to accompany it.

So, now they were back from a fantastic dinner at a small restaurant where Casey knew the manager and she was walking extra carefully down the hallway because she may or may not have imbibed a little too much wine. Olivia insisted on making sure she got in all right, all the way to the door. Casey turned around with the key in the lock and Olivia was right there and leaning in with her hand on the doorframe-

Oh, God, oh GodohGodohGod- is she gonna kiss me? What’s she doing? She’s just staring at me like she’s waiting on something- c’mon, Liv, kiss me, kiss me already!

Liv laughed, a low, purring sound that made Casey shiver and swallow hard before squeaking out a breathy, “Well?”

A grin pulled at Olivia’s lips. “I just like to see you shiver with antici…” Casey leaned in, hopeful eyes and heart in her throat, “pation.”


Casey fell back against her door, Olivia Benson molded right up against her with no intention of letting those sweet lips go any time soon.

challenge174, fandom: law & order: svu, author: lowbatterie

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