~ Challenge #159 ~ Voice

Aug 12, 2008 16:38

Okay guys, challenge #158 is now officially over. Thank you to all our participants for this week: bebitched ★, doreyg ★, ilbelfarniente ★, metaphoric_door ★, penombrelilas ★, per_maybe_haps ★, sparkthatbled ★x2, vicky_v ★x3, and xavie ★! ETA: and ineptshieldmaid★ too! We had a really good turnout this week.

Our challenge for this week is: Voice.

And, in addition to our main challenge, we also have Drabbletag v3.0 and the Periodic Table challenge. Both will be ongoing for some time.

Standard comm rules apply - 100 words (or no more than 250), any f/f pairing, any fandom. Due by midnight of next Monday (see the userinfo for complete rules).

And, a reminder: In addition to tagging your entries 'challenge158' and (if applicable) 'crossover', please remember that we have some new tagging policies, so please use 'author: ljusername' and 'fandom: insertyourfandom' as well. Kindly note the spacing; otherwise we get a bunch of duplicate tags. Also, thanks to the extremely lovely siliconhero, there are already existing tags for people and fandoms that have been around since the start of 2008, so they should automatically fill once you start typing.

challenge159, challenges

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