challenge #105 - accent

Mar 08, 2007 23:04

Title: Sober
Fandom: South of Nowhere
Pairing: Spencer/Ashley
Prompt: 105 - Accent
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100


Never was she calculated - never was there some grand design - but tonight she knows Ashley will be there.

And that's a different story.

She dresses to accentuate her curves, takes time with her make-up. Checks the mirror again. Smiles.

Before long, she's amongst it all. Swept into the writhing bodies.

Later she spies them through the bottom of her plastic cup, staggers over and shoves her tongue down Ashley’s throat. Sobers up when she’s pushed away in disgust.

I didn’t choose you, Spencer.

Please, Ashley…

Go home.

Chest tight, she sighs. Tears threaten, but she escapes in time.


fandom: south of nowhere, challenge105, author: little_lacuna

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