challenge #105~accent

Mar 06, 2007 22:30

“Breaking in new shoes,” came that rumbly soprano from far too close. That Israeli accent slid its way through Abby, and she shuddered.

“What?” How had she forgotten her whole crisis in a moment? “No,” she said slowly, the arrogant little smirk on Officer David’s face something she would love to wipe off.

“Are you alright? McGee says you are ‘un-Abby’.” Ziva raised one delicate eyebrow, obviously straining for social normality. It made Abby smile.

And then they’re hugging and Abby has never felt so completely comforted in her life. Before she can control it, there are tears in her eyes.

At first, Ziva can only stand, being hugged by the gothic scientist who acts much-too-young. But then she has to hug her back, squeezing Abby’s shoulders to her own chest.

Abby pulls back a fraction of an inch, giving a tearful grin.

“Thank you,” she begins to say, only to find the darker woman’s lips have drowned out her thought.

It doesn’t matter that Abby has to lean down a little bit to return the Middle Easterner’s tentative kiss. She kisses like she speaks, slowly, articulately, and with a rolling tongue.

And Abby forgets all about her shoe problem.

fandom: ncis, author: sesemperamabo, challenge105

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