BSG, Dee/Jean, Taste of Home, challenge 91

Nov 16, 2006 21:48

Title: Taste of Home
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Anastasia Dualla/Jean Barolay *points at icon*
Rating: 18ish
Challenge: #91 prudence
words: 150
Notes: Is, er, set Exodus-sy And, and. Ok, it was inspired by the most recent hi-res photos, but. omg. yes.

Dee has forgotten what this was like. The quick flicker of attraction--Jean Barolay glancing at her, half-smiling. The way her senses stretch in ways she isn't used to--the sweat slipping down her skin and scent of mud as Jean kisses her. The pull of something primal with Jean's hand between her legs.

She wants to protest, but the air in the gym is warm and Jean's mouth is hot.

This isn't what she's supposed to be doing--not good-girl Lieutenant Dualla, prudent to a fault. There's something that should be guilt pushing past the pleasure, but she's ignoring it. Because, husband or not, she wants to feel. She wants to feel and move and cry and find out if Jean tastes like sweat and ash or salt and grass.

When the orgasm hits, she digs a heel into the floor under her ass and prays to the Gods.

author: lyssie, fandom: battlestar galactica, challenge91

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