Challenge 80 (More CSI)

Aug 27, 2006 13:51

Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Andie(OFC)
Challenge: 14 - Misunderstanding
Word Count: 182
Rating: PG?


“Why didn’t you file a missing person report?” Grissom asks.
The woman in the chair across from them - short strawberry-blond hair, a silver ring of her finger - sniffles and rubs her nose.
“I did!” she answers. “I told them my husband was missing.”
“Uh, Griss-” I say, stopping him. I turn back to the woman across the table. “The officer on body-watch-” she winces at that, “Sorry,” I say. “Uh. He called Lou in as a man. No ID or anything. We didn’t know she was a woman until we did the autopsy.”
Silence. Then,
“Her family threw her out, you know that?” she says, quietly. “When they found out she liked women. It’s just easier if she tells the world she’s my husband.” She looks at her hands, a tissue clenched in one of them, the other fiddling with the threads at the wrist of her sweater.
I think of Andie, who dresses in men’s clothing, and whose family did exactly the same thing.
“I think I understand,” I say, and force myself to ignore Grissom’s questioning look.


What say you? :-)

challenge14, fandom: csi vegas, author: amazon_syren, challenge80

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