Story Time. :-)

Aug 27, 2006 14:50

Greetings. :-)

Overlaps with that "You've got no self control" story I did a while back.

Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine, Sara/Andie(OFC), Catherine/Warrick
Challenge: 15 - Christmas, 9 - Discovery
Word Count: 190
Rating: PG


The annual CSI Christmas party. Greg’s singing Karaoke to ‘Tainted Love’ up on the stage and half of the lab (mostly night shift) is pretending they don’t know him.
I watch Sara, because I know myself well enough to know that I can’t not watch Sara. I also watch Catherine. I’m not surprised that they’re keeping their relationship a secret. It’s hard enough being female in this field. Being female and gay doesn’t make it any easier. I assume it’s Catherine’s idea. Sara was braver than that - at least she was ten years ago. Maybe things have changed.
I watch Sara eating shrimp cocktail and talking with Nick about something or other. I watch Catherine talking to Warrick. She tucks her hair behind her ear and he picks lint off her sleeve. Does Sara know? Does she care?
An hour later I see her leave with him, and I turn to find Sara in the crowd.
She does know, I see. And she does care.
My heart would break for her, if it hadn’t been broken years ago.
Poor babe, I think, sadly. But I also think, Serves her right.


Comments? Pretty-pretty please? :-)

challenge15, challenge9, fandom: csi vegas, author: amazon_syren, challenge80

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