Challenge 80 (More Discworld)

Aug 18, 2006 07:58

Socks and Shoes. :-)

Fandom: Discworld (MR)
Pairing: Polly/Mal
Challenge: 28 - Socks
Word Count: 190
Rating: R (for dildos)

The Sock Trick

Maladict knew about the sock trick. She hadn’t known about it when she’d joined up, but that hadn’t really mattered. Nobody looks too closely at vampires, after all.
She had, however, spent the better part of a year in Genua, and you learn a thing or two there. Gods. She’d walked into a dark shop in order to get out of the sun for a bit, and been… well, if not outright shocked, certainly more surprised than she’d let on…
Rows and rows of… well, a piece of male anatomy that she could happily say she’d never laid eyes on in the flesh. Carved out of ivory, or rose quartz, or made from glazed porcelain.
When Ozzer had turned up for breakfast with slightly more anatomy than “he’d” had the night before, Mal had wondered what on earth the girl had shoved down her trousers. She’d had no small number of entertaining thoughts on the subject - and how she might go about finding out - before she’d realized that it must be a pair of socks. After all, a piece of wood would… ouch… And what else was there around here?


Fandom: Discworld (MR)
Pairing: Polly/Mal
Challenge: 16 - Shoes
Word Count: 100
Rating: G

Practice Makes Perfect

It was almost comical, Polly thought, watching Mal, in her trousers and her pressed white shirt and her military-but-with-bags-of-style haircut, slipping into a pair of three inch heels and gliding across the room as though she were born in them.
It would have been actually comical if Polly weren’t being shown how to walk in heels by someone who, according to the world at large, was a man.
“See?” said Mal, turning elegantly at the end of the room. “Nothing to it.”
Polly eyed the shoes dubiously.
“Are you sure I can’t just wear my boots?” she asked, plaintively.


Comments? :-) Pretty please? :-)

fandom: discworld, challenge28, challenge16, author: amazon_syren, challenge80

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