Title: Landscape
Fandom: Crossover: Firefly/RENT
Characters/Pairing: River/April
Prompt: 80 - Remainder (52, 53, 54, 55)
Word Count: 400 (100 per section)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: ...so River decides she's going to show her the way.
Notes: I am apparently in a very crossover-y mood today. Maybe it's just the Vicodin getting to my brain. Set post-Serenity.
Disclaimer: Firefly and River belong to Joss Whedon, RENT and April to Jonathan Larson.
52. Old )
53. New )
54. Borrowed )
55. Blue )
Title: Sins
Fandom: RENT
Characters/Pairing: Maureen/Mimi
Prompt: 80 - Remainder (44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51)
Word Count: 700 (100 per section)
Rating: PG
Summary: They're explosive, dangerous in combination - they're gunpowder and a flame.
Notes: I don't usually ship this pairing, but I figured I should try to write it once, because... well, let's face it, these two are pure sex. Yay.
Disclaimer: I do not own either Maureen or Mimi - both belong to Jonathan Larson.
44. Gluttony )
45. Pride )
46. Wrath )
47. Envy )
48. Sloth )
49. Greed )
51. Lust )