Challenge 80 (Yet again!)

Aug 18, 2006 01:25

Can you tell I was waiting for the Remainders Challenge? ;-)

Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 27 -- Homesickness
Word Count: 242
Rating: R

Two Hours and Seventy Five Miles

Catherine is a Vegas girl, born and raised. She’s been to Miami, once, and to Boulder a couple of times. She and Eddy went to Hollywood for their honeymoon. But mostly, she doesn’t even like to leave the city, let alone the state.

Now they’re driving down the highway, headlights staring into the darkness of a desert road, the twinkle of Vegas having long-since disappeared from the rear-view mirror.
Catherine’s frustrated. She misses the city - even though the scene they’re heading to is only seventy-five miles away - and she’s angry that she’s been sent out to handle some hick-town homicide as though she were a rookie who didn’t deserve the good stuff.
Sara’s beside her, chatting about something that doesn’t matter much.
Sara, who’s moved around so much that ‘home’ doesn’t mean a location anymore. Sara, who drops to her knees for Catherine, and makes her feel in control.
Catherine reaches a hand across the seat, runs it up Sara’s thigh to the zipper of her jeans.
Sara stops, short, in surprise.
“You’re driving,” she exclaims.
Catherine removes her hand just long enough to pull over, hitting the brakes so hard that the shoulder spits gravel.
She looks at Sara, feeling her blood starting to race.
“Not anymore.”
That body’s not going anywhere. They’ve got time.


After, when they arrive at the scene, the state trouper teases them.
“Two hours to drive seventy-five miles… You guys got lost.”
Something like that.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 8 - Regret
Word Count: 131
Rating: PG/R


She’s like this every time. Snappish and condescending, and careless with her words. Every time takes me into the locker room, or invites me into her house, every time she gets what she wants from me… After, she finds a hundred different ways to point out that nothing I’ll ever do is good enough for her.
I asked if she had a mirror - knowing that she’d have one.
“Since when do you care about your appearance?”
Sometimes I wonder why she doesn’t come out and say it.
”Ugly slut. I’m doing you a favour.”
Even if she’s lying through her teeth, at least it would be an honest lie, instead of those hurtful little remarks that make it so clear that she wishes she hadn’t done what she did with me.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 9 -- Discovery
Word Count: 100
Rating: R?

I Can Stop Any Time

You’d like to think she won’t leave you alone. That she’s always coming around, giving you that look, or that smile, but you know that isn’t true.
The first time you realized this, the shock had hit you like a wrench to the head.
It’s you.
You, leading her into the dark corner behind the lockers, or the women’s washroom. Asking her in for a glass of wine, knowing that you’re really asking her to your bed.
You’d like to think that it’s Sara who can’t get enough, who keeps coming back for more, but you know that’s a lie.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 22 - Kisses
Word Count: 225
Rating: PG13

High School Girls

When Catherine was in high-school, she was one of the cool girls. She was all that and a bag of all-dressed, with her Calvin jeans and jelly bracelets, strutting down the hallway playing ‘like a virgin’ on her walkman. Everybody wanted to be her friend. Tommy Hilton and Robby MacIntyre got in a fight over who got to take her to the prom. So she’d gone with Kirk Hamilton instead, just because she could.

When Sara was in high-school, she wore third-hand army surplus pants, men’s undershirts and old plaid shirts from the Sally Anne. Some guy yelled ‘nice wife-beater’ at her on the way to science class, and she’d decked him right in the hallway. Bloody knuckles and a suspension, but all she was upset about was missing chemistry.

Sara remembers watching the cool girls with nothing but contempt. She was The Science Nerd. She thought dissecting foetal pigs was fun. She didn’t want to be friends with the cool girls. She liked the scary girls. Sara’s first kiss - first girl-kiss, anyway - was with Meredith “Merry Death” Simmons, in the green house. She never forgot the taste of black lipstick: chemical liquorice and paraffin.

Now Sara watches Catherine, who gets her nails done every two weeks and still pays attention to fashion trends, and she wonders what it’s like to kiss the cool girls.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 74 - Alcohol
Word Count: 130
Rating: R

Party Girl
You remember getting drunk at the Senior Prom and going home with your best friend, Tracey, and how you ended up making out in her parents’ basement that night. You have hazy memories of where her hands had gone that night, of the way she’d moaned ‘baby, baby’ in a porn-star voice while you’d fumbled under her dress. You’d both blamed it on the alcohol the next day.
You’d been drunk the first time you kissed Sara, too. She’d given you a ride home, and you’d been drunk enough to figure ‘what the hell’ and kiss her lips before teetering up the walk to your house. But not drunk enough to forget the taste of her mouth (lemon-ginger candies from the restaurant), or to pretend that it never really happened.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 34 - Second-Person
Word Count: 164
Rating: R

Nobody Does it Like You Do

The sad truth of it is that nobody can make you come like she does - not Warrick, certainly not Eddy. Not even Franky Carfield, who’d worked the pit at the Tangiers back when you’d been nineteen and doing the floor show - and he’d been pretty amazing.
You remember Candi and Amber, when you’d been twenty-three. Some high roller invited you all back to his hotel room for a ‘cocktail’ party - there must have been fifty people crammed into the suite - and the three of you’d snuck off to a bedroom and done more than just catch your breath. It had been good, and a lot of fun, but not like Sara.
Sara fucks you like she’s got something to prove.
You wonder, sometimes, what she’s trying to establish. Sometimes, when she’s left you, still shaking, in the locker room or when she’s left your bed for her own house, you find yourself wondering if she’ll keep coming back once she’s finally made her point.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 28 - Socks
Word Count: 248
Rating: R

Aunt Jemima

Catherine asked Sara over for breakfast one day after work.
She’d tied an apron on over her pencil skirt, and gone through the motions of making pancakes and mimosas.
But breakfast wasn’t why Catherine had asked her in, and it wasn’t why Sara had said yes. Sara watched Catherine cooking, and wondered if they’d make it to the bedroom before their clothes started coming off.
“Where’s your bathroom, again?” Sara’d asked, because the image of Catherine wearing nothing but stockings and Aunt Jemima had just bloomed in her mind, and she wanted to get things moving.
“Down the hall,” Catherine had answered, nodding over her shoulder. “Across from the bedroom.” She met Sara’s eyes, just for an instant, when she said that.

When Sara came out she heard Catherine’s voice coming from the bedroom.
“I’m in here.”
Sara pushed open the door, wondering what she’d see.
The curtains were drawn, blocking the worst of the sunlight. Catherine was setting her necklace down on the night table. Her blouse was half undone, the curve of her breast exposed.
That was it. Sara’s t-shirt hit the bedroom rug almost as soon as Catherine’s blouse came off. Sara unzipped Catherine’s skirt, sliding it off, expecting to find control-top pantyhose underneath.
Instead, she found stockings held up with black lace garters.
Catherine started to roll them down - the way she must have done when she was stripping - but Sara stopped her.
“Leave them on?”
A wicked smile.
“If you like.”


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 16 -- Shoes
Word Count: 125
Rating: R?

Boot Fetish

Catherine understands the allure of a good pair of heels. She knows all about chimpanzee mating positions and why a woman on her toes turns a man on.
There are even a few pictures of her floating around - taken when she was twenty-two and had very long, very red hair - that involve a few pairs of shoes and not much else (she still has them at home - shots of her licking a four-inch heel, or posing in over-the-knee boots).
But she’s not used to this.
She’s never found doc martins sexy or fantasized about leather and laces brushing against her calf.
But Sara walks by, the cloth of her skirt swishing against her boots, and Catherine can’t keep the images out of her mind.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 12 -- Boys
Word Count: 150
Rating: R?

Show Me

Sara likes everybody.
She says this, and people laugh, because they know her better than that.
They think she means that she’s friendly.
Yeah right.
Sara has, on occasion, watched Catherine and Grissom chatting together in the break room, and wondered if there was any way she could have them both.
That’ll never happen.
She’s also wondered what it would be like to have Warrick watch them - watch what she can do to Catherine, make her come shuddering, moaning into Sara’s hair, watch how eager Catherine is to be pleased, and to please in turn.
If it were Greg, or maybe even Nick, she’s sure they’d give up their front teeth for the privilege.
She’s not so sure about Warrick.
And, anyway, she’d only be doing it to show how much better she was than him. To make someone (maybe even Catherine) acknowledge that Catherine really likes sex with girls.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 4 -- Secrets
Word Count: 135
Rating: R


Sara has a lot of secrets.
The big one, of course, is her mother.
When she was in high school, she used it to scare people, asking if they believed in the ‘murder gene’. Everyone thought foster-care kids were messed up, anyway. It wasn’t hard to get them to believe.
But that was hardly the only secret she had.
Catherine was one of her secrets, and even Catherine didn’t know how much a secret she was. Catherine didn’t know that what Sara came looking for wasn’t always sex.
Sometimes she just wanted to be held by someone who wouldn’t push her away.
She thinks about the prostitutes who come in for possession, how they turn tricks to get their next fix.
That’s her secret.
She’s nothing but a hooker, fucking for what she really needs.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 10 -- Selfish
Word Count: 188
Rating: NC17

What She Wants

Lindsay has finally gone summer camp for two glorious weeks. Catherine’s been looking forward to them for months, and for the past week, she’s hardly been able to concentrate for the thought of Sara - on the kitchen table, the living room rug, moaning Catherine’s name into the darkness of the bedroom - creeping into her mind.
She’s called Sara twice in as many days, frustrated by the machine that picks up every time.
Where the hell is she?
Catherine has run a bath for herself - scented oils and candle-light - and she touches herself under the water, her fingers slippery with oil. In her mind, she pictures Sara slipping into the bath water, sliding her hand between Catherine’s legs, her mouth moving on Catherine’s flushed skin, whispering words that Catherine knows the real Sara would never say: ”Please,” the imaginary Sara pleads, “I can’t come if you don’t. Let me please you again. Just one more time.”
What Catherine really wants is Sara’s mouth, warm and moist, her firm tongue lapping and sucking between Catherine’s legs.
Why is she doing this to me? Catherine wonders. Why is she being so selfish?


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 58 -- Blood
Word Count: 152
Rating: NC17

My Way

Sara made the mistake of asking Catherine for her mouth - only once, and never again.
They’d been in Catherine’s car, pulled over in an alley-way between two tall buildings. Catherine had climbed into her lap, all hands and mouth and hunger, groping under Sara’s shirt and nibbling her lower lip, teasing her through her jeans with hips and hands.
“I want your mouth,” Sara’d whispered, her eyes closed, her back arching.
Catherine had laughed - almost scoffed - and murmured “I know you like it this way,” slipping her hand down Sara’s pants.
And, Godfuckingdammit, she did, too.
She’d moaned and writhed under Catherine’s fingers, and scratched her nails down Catherine’s exposed back, scraping the skin hard enough that the trails welled red in places.
Catherine had hissed between her teeth when she did that and, even as she was coming, Sara couldn’t help thinking, Maybe you should have given me what I wanted.


What do you think? :-)

author: amazon_syren, challenge34, challenge12, challenge58, challenge8, challenge28, challenge74, challenge9, challenge22, fandom: csi vegas, challenge27, challenge16, challenge10, challenge80, challenge4

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