Challenge 80 (More CSI)

Aug 18, 2006 08:50

Blue Beard

Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/OFC, (Sara/Catherine)
Challenge: 53 - New
Word Count: 245
Rating: R (Dead Body)


I admit it. I avoided her - more than usual, I mean - for a few days after that. I’d like to think I’m not a coward but… Who am I kidding.
I managed to avoid her completely right up until she got her new case.
When the bodies are evidence, and you work in the morgue, you can’t avoid a CSI who’s dealing with a homicide.
Oh, well.
I’ve dealt with awkwardness before.

“What’d you find out?” Sara asks, looking at the girl on the slab, avoiding my eyes. She’s not any more comfortable with this than I am.
“She was hung. Not hanged,” I tell her.
Her eyebrows go up.
"She was dead before he took her eyes - see? No bleeding around the sockets."
“God, that’s sick.”
“Yeah.” I repress a shudder. You keep thinking you’ll get used to it, but it’s almost a relief that you don’t. I wouldn’t want to get used this sort of thing.
“She was strangled, though, and not with the rope she was hung with. I pulled a few fibres out of the lacerations. Sent them down to trace. They looked like hair.”
She sighs.
“He’s gonna do it again, isn’t he?” I ask, not really a question.
She nods, suddenly looking so tired.
“I’m gonna go back to the scene. Maybe I can find something else.”
At the door, she turns back to me.
“Hey, Andie?”
I look up.
“Thanks... What you did the other day? It helped.”


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 16 - Shoes
Word Count: 250
Rating: R (Dead Body)


There must be fifty pairs of shoes scattered around the hotel room, and a girl on the bed, strangled, with broken glass in her feet.
I hate this. I hate this guy. I hate that we haven’t found him yet. I hate that he did it again.
I walk out of the room and stand in the hallway, taking deep breaths.
Grissom had to tell me, once, to keep my emotions out of the crime scene. Easy for him to say.
“Hi!” A bright, hopeful voice that grates on me like a rasp against bone.
I shake my head, opening my eyes.
“Sorry… Who are you?”
“Parker Lee? I’m with channel six. It’s another murder, isn’t it?”
“Can I get a look in the room?”
“No!” What the hell?? “Get outta here!”
“Sara,” Catherine’s voice calls from inside the room. “I need you in here.”
“Exit’s that way,” I tell the reporter, ducking back into the room.

“What have we got?”
“Fifty pairs of shoes to bag?”
As if to emphasize her point, she labels another bag and packages a pair of sling-backs.
“God,” she says, standing up. “What makes these sickos tick?”
I look at the girl on the bed, and I can hear her in my head, begging for her life.
“I wish I knew…” I say, quietly, and am surprised at the touch of Catherine’s hand on my shoulder. Gentle pressure for a moment, and then she’s tagging another evidence bag, as if it never happened.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/OFC
Challenge: 1 - Awakening
Word Count: 111
Rating: R (dead body)

Sleeping Beauty

This one was found strangled by a skein of wool, with a long needle driven into her hand.
“The tox results came back,” I tell Sara. “She had an entire gram of lorazepam in her system, and about half that in diazepam.”
She blinks. “Sleeping pills.”
“Nobody needs that many sleeping pills.”
We look at the girl on the slab. Another woman who will never wake up.
“Whoever he is, he’s being careful,” she tells me. “Still no prints.”
“Someday, my prints will come…” I sing. Very badly, I have no doubt.
“You’re messed up,” she tells me, but her mouth quirks all the same.
Gallows humour is what keeps this crime-lab running.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/OFC, Sara/Catherine
Challenge: 6/79 - Mirror
Word Count: 175
Rating: R (Dead Body)

Snow White

“Skin like snow, lips like blood, and hair as black as ebony.”
She intones it like a prayer, and I can’t help but be reminded of Gil.
“Snow white,” I finish, for her. “You know they’re calling these homicides the Fairy Tale Murders?”
“Well,” Andie concedes. It's her first pick-up as a lab coroner. “They’re definitely grim.”
Too true.
There are shards of mirror everywhere.
“Fuck!” We turn. Sara's standing in the doorway, taking in the shattered glass, the body of a girl who can’t be more than sixteen. “Dammit!”
She walks back out of the room.
Just for a moment - no more than a second - I wonder if I should go after her. But Sara should be able to control herself by now, so I leave it and go back to processing.
A moment more, and I catch Andie out of the corner of my eye, a brief movement of blue cover-alls, and she’s out the door.
I hear her talking quietly with Sara, and I wonder how it’s going to reflect on me.


Fandom: CSI (Las Vegas)
Pairing: Sara/OFC
Challenge: 19 - Cold
Word Count: 140
Rating: R (Dead Body)

Red Riding Hood

”You’re her voice, Sara,” she'd said to me, standing in the hotel hallway. She’d held me, briefly, and called me ‘babe’, the way she used to do. And I’d let her. Catherine never does that.

Now it’s two nights later. The wind off the desert is freezing, and I’ve got another story to tell, another girl screaming in my head.
This one’s worse than the rest.
She was found, wrapped in red velvet, with her throat ripped open.
I remember the PCP case we had a while back, that kid who killed her best friend and ate part of her body…
I look at the body, her throat torn, and her body bloodless.
About the only good thing I can say about this is that bite marks leave a lot of DNA behind.
I shiver, but not from the cold.


Comments? Questions? Pretty-please? :-)

challenge19, challenge79, author: amazon_syren, challenge1, fandom: csi vegas, challenge16, challenge53, challenge80

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