4 Law & Order: SVU Drabbles

Jan 01, 2016 23:43

Law & Order: SVU: Alex Cabot/Liz Donnelly - mentor -requested by madampresident
Rating: M, Word Count: 100
Alex lay entwined with her mentor. Liz’s chest rose and fell rhythmically as she held onto Alex. Alex watched the older woman’s face, her lips quirked in a small smile.

“Stop watching me and get some sleep.” Liz chided playfully, not opening her eyes.

“Or we could do something else and get a little less sleep.” Alex grinned.

Liz opened her eyes in time to see Alex disappear under the covers. Liz grabbed fistfuls of her Egyptian cotton sheets with a gasp. “Oh god!”

Alex held tightly onto Liz’s hips, swirling her tongue around Liz’s clit, drawing out ragged moans.

Law & Order: SVU: Alex/Olivia - Halloween with Noah - requested by clarahow
Rating: G, Word Count: 100
Olivia opened the door for Alex. “You look amazing. I had a hard time picturing you as Bo Peep but you’ve really pulled it together.” Alex grinned.

“And you’re Goldilocks?”

“I was going to be but without the bears it’s a little underdone. I’m Miss Muffet.” Alex explained, revealing a little stuffed spider from her pocket.

“Your costume is great.” Olivia smiled. “I’m so glad you’re coming with us.”

Alex stole a quick kiss. “I wouldn’t miss it. Where is my little buddy?”

Olivia picked Noah up from his crib.

“You’re the cutest little sheep!” Alex cooed, kissing his forehead.

Law & Order: SVU: Alex/Olivia - ice skating - requested by madampresident
Rating: PG, Word Count: 100
Alex gripped Olivia’s arm as she slipped and slid on the ice. “I am so out of practice…”

“Not a lot of ice skating in Africa?” Olivia teased. “I don’t mind. I like you holding onto me like this.”

“It’s good being back…” Alex smiled. “I missed you.”

“I missed you every time you’ve been gone… I love you, Alex.”

Alex grinned. “I love you too, Olivia.”

Olivia brought them to a halt and pulled Alex in for a kiss. Alex tried to press closer but only managed to slip, her feet went out and she and Olivia toppled over.

Law & Order: SVU: Alex/Olivia - late night tv - requested by madampresident
Rating: M, Word Count: 100
Alex kissed Olivia’s shoulder. Olivia had had a very long day and she and Alex were lying in her bed, zoning out as late night tv droned on in the background.

Olivia smiled lovingly.

Alex’s hand slid down Olivia’s stomach and under the waistband of her underwear.

Olivia’s eyes fluttered shut. Alex’s fingers slid through Olivia’s slick folds and Olivia bit her lip on a moan. Alex made tight circles over Olivia’s clit. Olivia arched her back encouragingly. Alex captured Olivia’s lips as she continued.

Olivia gripped a handful of Alex’s hair as she got closer and closer to release.

drabbletag6, author: madampresident, fandom: law & order: svu

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