1 Leverage Drabble

Jan 01, 2016 23:45

Leverage: Maggie/Sophie - lunch date - requested by elasticella
Rating: PG, Word Count: 100
It was borne out of mutual concern for Nate. His drinking was getting out of control again and Maggie knew that if anyone would be able to get through to him, it was Sophie.

Soon, their lunch dates became more frequent and whole lunches started to pass without either of them mentioning Nate at all.

“So, lunch on Saturday?” Sophie asked as they stepped out of the restaurant.

Maggie hesitated, glancing down at Sophie’s lips and then back up to her eyes before capturing her lips suddenly. Sophie stiffened for a moment before wrapping an arm tightly around the blonde.

drabbletag6, author: madampresident, fandom: leverage

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