One book presentation. Three papers--one of which was a sermon for
Christ the King given in my liturgical year class. Next week I only have one class (thank you, oh combination of AAR/SBL conference and Thanksgiving), so I'm spending it writing one last short paper, working on one last project, and writing the hell out of hd_hols. I refuse to think about the four papers due in the first two weeks of December. REFUSE. (Although I am starting to stockpile reference material on Aquinas and Origen for one. Sigh.)
I am so not doing a damn thing of any import during my winter break. I fucking mean that. I am going to be a lazy slob.
I was going to spend my weekend finishing up my freelance project, but my ever-so-intelligent former employers forgot to inform me that the development server I need in order to do my work would be shut down until Monday morning. This made me extraordinarily cranky this morning, but now I'm choosing to see it as Divine Intervention, aka God Obviously Wants Me To Write H/D Pr0n.
In other LOLtastic news,
noeon and I both got summoned for jury duty. On the same day next February. At the same courthouse. AHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Also series 2 of Rev. is airing on the BBC and I am wicked happy about that. Oh, Adam Smallbone, whose name makes me LOL forever, how I missed you. \0/ After Geraldine "Babe With a Bob Cut and a Magnificent Bosom" Granger, you are mah favourite vicar.
Now. Do I sign up for Yuletide or not? *ponders*
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