Joss is the Biggest. Fanboy. Ever.

Nov 09, 2005 21:11

OK, so while some of you in other time zones are actually watching the "Joss-pisode," I'm going to blather.

Unless you were living under a rock today you already know that Joss posted today on Whedonesque. He blathered on in that endearing, slightly self-mocking way that he has about Serenity, the new post-NFA Buffy comics he's going to write, the potential Spike movie and Wonder Woman amongst other things.

First off - two important things to know: 1. I am a HUGE Joss fan. 2. That does not necessarily mean that I like or agree with every aspect of Joss approved canon.

I love Joss and here's why:

He created (in collaboration) some of the finest fictional universes around. He's the kind of boy-feminist that I wish there were more of - the kind that puts his money where his mouth is and not only creates interesting, complicated roles for women but also includes women in crucial aspects of production, the kind that claims feminism and talks about the awesomeness of his mom.

He's an unabashed fanboy. He talks to us and obviously considers himself to be one of us. He doesn't care that we write fanfic.

And the way that he's been pimping Veronica Mars like mad is just further proof. I think it's pretty clear that both his infamous post in which he gushed about the genius of VM and his appearance on tonight's episode are things that he is doing out of his slavering fanboyness the goodness of his heart to promote a struggling show. It's the equivalent of a BNF reccing some newbie's fic. And yes, I'm making comparisons to how fan culture operates because I can't help it - everything can be related to fan culture for me. Heh.

Canon vs. Fanon, etc.

OK, so the new Buffy canon that is the as yet unrealized Spike movie and Buffy comics. Am I excited? Check. Am I ambivalent? Check.

If you have ever read my journal before, then you already know that I ship S/B. This is not to say that I don't read (and write) other pairings. But the truth of it is that I tend to enjoy non-Spuffy Spike or Buffy pairings more if they pre-exist their meeting, don't interrupt their eventual reconciliation or exist after one of their deaths (or if it's S/B/A the OT3 of champtions, ahem).

And so I'm a little afraid that this new canon will have no Spuffy in it (And I feel dorky about that). Blar.

That said. NEW BUFFY CANON! Squee!

I'm happier about the comic canon than any potential spin-off movie because at least then I know that it will be dictated by Joss's fantasy Buffy-verse and not which actors they could scrap together. Buffy's character trajectory won't be decided by SMG and her wee Pajama man.

And plus, the deeper I get into fandom and fanfic, the more I see all canon as just a starting place, never something set in stone. So I can handle it (I think). If it sucks though, I'd cry. But as of yet, I don't think that anything Joss and co. have put out has truly *sucked* so I have faith.

Serial Narrative

I freaking love it. I love it so much that I wrote my thesis on it. I don't want my storylines to end. And not just linear serial narrative. I like being able to swim in a fictional universe. When I really love something now, I'm no longer satisified with just one option for what happens next. I want a big crazy story tree with tentacles! I imagine you're all nodding along with me, all of you fic sluts. Although I am the only LJ user who lists "serial narrative" as an interest. I'm a huge nerd. *g*


I pretty much only go to Whedonesque when there's a Joss post or some other kind of Crucial Information. So I'm not any kind of authority on their goings on there so I'm only speaking about vague feelings that I get. I'm not even registered there. But I had a weird thought earlier about how I don't know if I would register as "femmenerd" were I to post there. Because there definitely seems to be a lot of non-ficcers over there. The OTHER kind of Joss devotees. The canon freaks. I know that there are some of "us" over there too and maybe I'm being paranoid but I don't know that I'd want my smutty Spike porn writin' self to be exposed in that way. Which is interesting since I'm neither ashamed of my fic writing (although I cringe about some of my fic) nor do I have any other net identities to date (other than my RL LJ but since I never check it and only friend people that I know in person on it I don't know that that counts). I just like my playground to be safe and secluded to some degree. Which is also why I only tell select people in my "real life" what my screen name is.

Where is here?

Anyway, I was also thinking about how there seem to be more men posting over at places like Whedonesque than there are in my corner of the Buffy fandom. It's beyond stating the obvious that most fanficcers are women. Which is something that I do think about relatively often. Sometimes I even have coherent thoughts about gender socialization and community and textual intimacy. I think I have a point. Oh yes, that perhaps that's also a factor in how fansites like Whedonesque seem like separate territory than what we've got going on around here. (I also occasionally have coherent thoughts about how we construct "space" on the internet but you know...)

I'm not saying that I think that all men are threatening, potential fangirl mockers (although some of them are, and so are some women) or that I don't think that some men read fanfic (I know that some of them do), I'm just sayin' that I was ruminating on the way that internet space can be gendered.

Sooooo....anybody else have any thoughts about any of this?

I'm off to go and study some math now before VM comes on (Joss-pisode!) because I have a feeling that I'll be high from sniffing new canon afterwards and won't be able to think about numbers.

canon vs. fanon, fan stuff, meta, joss, gender, serial narrative

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