Nov 09, 2005 03:01
1. I'm pissed because my math score went down on the practice GRE that I just took. My verbal went up to 720 but what do I care? I already knew that I could talk. Fuck. You people can't wait until I'm done with this crap, can you? I know I can't.
2. I left the hair dye on longer than I ought have since I was yammering on here. Now my hair is seriously bright red. Like Tori Amos bright red. Why is the only Tori icon that I have black and white?
3. I have completely convinced myself that pumpkin pie is health food.
And here's my first ever poll:
Poll What should I obsess about next?
Of course, I'll probably end up watching Season 2 of "The L Word" because Shane is too hot for me not to.
grad school crap,