So a friend's friend on LJ made a post about how you can look up sexual offenders in your zip code and he remarked that there were a LOT in his zip code area. He lives right next to a very large college campus, and one of his LJ friends left this comment
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Comments 114
But remember, please -- not all drunk girls consent. When I'm drunk, I am lucid and remember everything, but I lack motor control. Honestly, if I got drunk someone could easily overpower me and rape me, but I would know what was going on. That would make me irresponsible, but if I'd honestly thought I was among friends...
Just saying, alcohol doesnt make everyone into "sex-o-matics."
And I offered her a "Stranger Rape" suggestion, and instead of saying "Yes, Stranger Rape, as opposed to Date-Rape" she said "I meant physcially violent rape."
It boggled my mind.
and yet, people have some very strange ideas about rape.
moral of the story: women and men on and near college campuses should be especially vigilant
You were drunk, so people just play it off as "She got drunk and they had sex, and now she regrets it" instead of the situation that it really was.
I long for the day that we, men and women, can stop being afriad of that sort of thing.
My town has a high gay population, and there are a LOT of rapes going on because of that, too. It's disturbing. I've read in the paper about gay men being overpowered and raped by angry straight men, and about lesbians being raped by guys who wanted to date them, or even by their own enraged family members.
It's horrible.
I told her that was bullshit and that I never wanted to hear her say that again.
Then she defended my boyfriend who raped me, saying he was a really nice guy and didnt really rape me, it was just my perception of the situation.
Oh, OK, forcing sex on me while I cried was just my perception of things...
Her professor/text book told her that, so it must be true!
I'm having other issues with her, too, because while I love her dearly, she's also anti speutering (and I'm an animal rescuer), and she likes to say "I'm not a feminist, even though I'm for equal rights."
Several times.
And again just now.
Yes, yes, I think you are onto something.
As an antro major, is there anything you would say IS "human nature"?
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