I'm back!

Sep 13, 2015 15:03

My house even had internet to greet me. Doesn't get much better than that.

The surgery was... interesting. And that's the surgeon's words, not mine. He says he's looking forward to hearing from me later on on how I'm doing, seeing as I now have an "almost completely different anatomy". Again, his words.

So it was like this: Night before surgery I get called into his office and it was all very routine, I could literally see him being a bit bored by how straight forward this was going to be. Very nice doctor but, you know, business as usual. And then the longer we talked and the more I explained and added to the story, like "Oh yeah, that was because...*insert more weird Felis's medical story*" his eyebrows kept climbing higher and his eyes getting wider until he was basically staring at me in deep sympathy and calling me "poor girl". And then we parted with him telling me, "I have no idea what I'm going to encounter in there but I'll do my best to put things right."

Turns out my uterus had grown itself completely stuck to my abdomen, not just a little like it did after my c-section but practically glued to the inside of my belly all the way up. Which pulled my cervix all up, much higher than it was supposed to be. Plus I had a cyst on one of my ovaries, just for extra fun. And the whole mess was covered in icky stuff that I don't know the english name for, making it like a huge hunky mass of yuck. So everything had to be cut loose, scraped clean and then stitched up, after removing both the uterus and the cervix.

"No wonder you were so miserable!" he said, sounding quite impressed with either my tolerance for complete misery or my body's ability to reinvent itself, not sure which. And he told me my life should be very different from now on, and please keep him in the loop. (Although if he thinks this is gonna bring on a new, thinner, fitness mad, body improved Felis I will very likely disappoint him. The fat genes are very strong in my family. Thank you, Dad.)

Since it was quite a bigger surgery than anticipated I am rather wiped out. Can't move much and brain all zombie slow. Still, feeling better than after my c-sections. Right now I'm struggling to get my insides to work right again, basically every fart is greeted with a relieved hurrah! If I manage a #2 I'm throwing a Welcome Poop! party.

But I'm home, mr Felis is baking me cupcakes and I have a brand new bed to sleep in. Now here's to a speedy recovery so I can start putting my house in order. So much mess still. *sighs*

health, stupid uterus

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