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Sep 23, 2015 10:59

I know I have emails waiting replies, I'm sorry. It's taken me two seven!! days to write this entry, that's where I'm at right now.

For those who missed it, I had surgery last week two weeks ago and am feeling rotten. Tired and achy and plain miserable. Had the stitches taken out today yesterday last Friday which ended up requiring them giving me chill pills because I was this close to a panic attack. Spent the rest of the day sleeping and zombie-like. Am really, really, really tired of being tired. A bit better today now, less zombie, more cranky old invalid, but damn, this is slow going. *sighs*

Mr Felis is leaving for NY in four days today!! and will be gone for over a week. To say I'm dreading being left alone with the kids is an understatement. Really worried how it's going to go. I know the inlaws will help out, I just wish my mum could too but she will be in NY as well, leaving on last Monday. Seriously, everything about the timing of this surgery is just... awesome. [/sarcasm] But I'm still glad it's done.

23/9 Don't know where my head is at these days. *sighs* Am actually getting better, it is just frustrating not being able to do stuff. And my head still feels filled with cotton and my fingers keep missing the keys, probably because I'm all stiff from moving so carefully for the last two weeks. It's been two weeks! Feels like forever and at the same time, time moves way too slowly because I want these 4-6 weeks over and done with, thank you very much. *sighs*

Yes, I know I'm whining. This is just temporary and when it's over I will feel so much better. I know, I know. Just right now I'm too tired and annoyed to focus on that. *pouts*

health, stupid uterus

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